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Hm-m-m... Thinking and thinking...
fledgling Views: 2,419
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Hm-m-m... Thinking and thinking...

Wouldn't it be interesting to write a booklet now, about all you have learned, and another later, when whatever will happen happens.

I think that, if your work is stopped cold, you will still continue to grow in understanding, and that you will have some very important observations to share.

Then, folks will have your writings to refer to as events unfold.

I read that Tesla spoke to the effects of home electricity on our culture.

I recently saw pictures from space showing various places on Earth, at night.

Our lights show, in huge concentrations!

My...I would love to hear Tesla's discussion on the effects of night lighting on our cultures, today.

Another writer speaks of the healing power of sleep, and of keeping ones eyes closed, meditating and praying, while fasting.

As far as I could tell, his suggested prayers were very much like affirmation statements.

Another poster points out that electrical light is unnatural, and that lighting in this way, at night, steals sleep and healing rest.

Discussion of this subject, at various times, as our practices develop, would be most interesting and informative.

In my opinion, Humaworm goes on forever, whether or not you are selling 'product'.

One part of the story that deeply intrigues me is the effect of handling, smelling the herbals on your staff...and on your family and others who have had the formulas all their lives.

Comparing school reunion photos and stories over the years would tell a lot, I think.

Perhaps some of your original school friends would share their stories.

Just dreaming aloud, here.

However you construct your booklets, R.G., I think they will be bestsellers.

Certainly a good idea, like the herbals, will never die, and you'll be adding to your wealth of understanding even faster as the years go by.

I figure we all add to the sum total of the world's knowledge, on all subjects...that the human brain, and intuition, is the finest, fastest computer that will ever exist.

Just because there are 'rules' about who may possess a dandelion, and do what with it, doesn't mean that our opinions and bright ideas will stop growing.

I fully expect to be sitting in a rocker on the front porch one day, wearing a high lace collar with a cameo brooch, and thumping with a stick.

I read some of this today...

...And I was astounded at the suggestion that people need to balance their copper/zinc ratios, first.

You see, I think that copper pipes in our homes play a part.

Plus there is a pile of copper used in the water, to keep down the growth of algae.

However, I also think our plants are wonderful because they refuse to take up more than they need of any nutrient.

Which leads me to think that the dried up ancient oceans MUST contain balanced minerals, selected by ocean plants...we only need to 'go for a swim' in a 1% solution, in our own bathtubs, to benefit from the balance.

I also like the idea of restoring balance slowly...because I suspect that the body may be so eager to dump, say, mercury, that the stuff may leach where it isn't wanted, too fast.

I am delighted to learn more about flax seed, and fish oils.

My best, everyone.



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