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If The CODEX Passes in December - HUMAWORM Will Be No More
humaworm Views: 3,048
Published: 16 y

If The CODEX Passes in December - HUMAWORM Will Be No More

The CODEX is scheduled again for December 2009. If it passes - then medicinal herbs will be regulated just like pharmasutical drugs. This means that things like wormwood, milk thistle, hyssop and many, many others will be illegal to posess and sell.

Getting a pharmasutical license runs into millions of dollars and small manufacturers like me will go out of business. Small herb farmers who supply my raw herbs will also go out.

As the date approaches - our customer service department has been flooded with questions - many of these I will answer here.

1. If the CODEX passes - HUMAWORM will go out of business. I simply cannot afford the millions of dollars it would take to obtain a pharmasutical license.

2. I will not posess anything the Government deems illegal - including herbs.

3. Yes - HUMAWORM products can be purchased in bulk and stored in the freezer for up to a year or more. Herbal products that were purchased before the CODEX passes are excluded.

4. Do I personally think it will pass? I hope not, but it does not look good. Many people are turning to "alternative" medicine because they are not getting relief from "modern" methods. As it stands now - all herbs are considered as "dietary supplements" - which are not regulated. No expensive licensing required.

However - this creates several problems.

1. The crooks of the world can and do sell inferior products - they also sell harmful herbal concoctions with no idea of how they work and what harm can be done if taken incorrectly. Some of these crooks also substitute junk "fillers" and such to turn a buck. Some are even using such things as encapsulated sawdust! It makes me FURIOUS to think that a person in need of help is getting taken for a ride - and in some cases, are putting their lives in DANGER - all because of money.

2. No regulations and licensing requirements means no costly fees that have to be paid to any government agency at this time. Millions and more likely billions of dollars lost on the herbal industry. Look in the vitamin section of any store out there. See how many new herbal products are there. This number has increased even in the last couple of years as more companies are jumping on the "herbal bandwagon".

3. Every person who takes charge of their own health using ancient medicine to cure and prevent problems is one more person who will not spend thousands and thousands of dollars funding the modern medical world. Doctors, hospitals and drug companies suffer from this loss of income. I am not saying that there is not a time and place for modern methods - but I also believe in PREVENTATIVE methods. Good nutrition, yearly cleansing and a strong and healthy mind and body - these things go a long way towards staying healthy.


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