Unexpected onstipation help from Q-10
I have had a terrible problem with constipation for years. Then I had a stroke and it got even worse. I tried everything, nothing helped until I tried the Chia seeds mentioned on the Ophra show(made a gel of them and ate several tablespoons full a day). I got some relief, but didn't dare miss a dose or it was back to square one. Then somehow it seemed to lose some of its effectiveness.
I have been having trouble with my eyes, and I saw where Q-10 might help. I bought some (available everywhere, and pretty inexpensive). I have noticed a little improvement, but after taking it for a couple of days, something else happened. I had a really comfortable BM. And the next day. And the next. I have now been taking it for 3 weeks, and I have had a least 1 to 2 BMs a day. I can't think of anything else I have done differently. No more mixing seed gel, no more forgetting and being back in trouble. Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night for a BM.
I don't understand it, but I'm sure not going to stop taking it. Has anyone else tried it? Results?