Re: Another curious question
Newport, Trapper,
This is very interesting to read this discussion, including towards ozonating. If I am reading into this... what may be suggested it to produce CS first, and then coming at the solution a second time to 'ozonate' the CS too?
Am I on the right track?
I was wondering about this tonight as I had produced a beautiful reddish hue solution a couple of weeks ago. Today however, and I suspect it is because the 3 inline 9v batteries are starting to move from the strong charge to still in the green when measuring the life of the batteries, to just beginning to show signs of still being in the green, but moving down a tad. Slightly diminished charge that is. And the CS results are more towards a deep yellow, but beginning to trend towards this reddish hue.
Am thinking about a transformer as Trapper has described to gain consistent results.
But... ozonating the CS too. Is this what you gents do???