Re: A psoriasis case
I have had severe excema (
Psoriasis according to the dermatologist) for most of my life. Its painful and unsightly, and leaves a lot of scars. Since starting
Iodine and VCO it has improved greatly, I have still had the odd outbreak, usually change of season , and decided to try silica in a colloidial gel form. I take 10ml per day in the same glass of water as my iodine. This has worked wonders and the excema has almost dissappeared completely. I had a lot of bumps, ridges and bubbles in my fingernails as well, (a symptom of psoriasis), this has now completely gone, just from taking a few supplements. I wish doctors would learn about this, never once was I told about supplements from a doctor, just cortisone cremes and heavy duty drugs , which actually made it worse not better.
My friends cystic acne, (she has had since a teenager) has also dissappeared with
Iodine and companions supps. Her skin looks healthy and bright.
Viva la
Iodine !!!!!!!