I see your point, but you are not correct. Zinc is the anti-infection mineral and I was severely deffecient due to a poor diet for 26 years. How is this not a cure? I’ve already dropped the dose by half with the aame results and I am confident that as my body rebuilds I will need less and less of this simple mineral. This is the only tool that has ever worked for me and it’s given me my life back. Considering the amount of posts and awful information by repeaters on this site, I consider my results to be incredible when compared to 99% of the BS on this forum. Very few cures are found on the curezone, it should be called the get duped by someone who got duped forum where repeaters can repeat and repeat false information forum. I am sure that if I analyzed your posts, you would have a series of BS as you have probably never been in a lab or practiced medicine, who are you to determine cures and healing? The whole forum is based on and lead by scientific reports that were written to market a product or person via google searches by person trying to heal/cure themselves. Give me a break.