Liver Flush and Joy
This is my first time posting to this website although for the last 5 months its been my bible. Over the last 9 years following a hysterectomy and sudden death of my love in a car accident I have consistently lost my health and gained stubborn weight around my mid section- I looked 5 months pregnant and it is not a good look on me. I had always before been one of those people that can eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce. I never would have in a million years believed that I would become one who gained weight by just looking at food. I am posting this as a thank you to all the people on here whose posts and advice helped me through the worst time. The pinnacle was Christmas this past year. A friend made a great prime rib and we all made many many side dishes rich in fat---lots of butter was consumed that day.After this decedent feast I bloated so badly and looked horrible and just hurt--This was the turning point. I started reading about weight lose quick-thats how I would google it.
The Master Cleanse was what came up - for the next week or so I read all I could find about it and that is how I found curezone- I did my first
Master-Cleanse started Jan 5th- I was smoking a pack or more a day- a pot or more of coffee a day- distended belly-carnivore-just a lovely all around American girl at the time- During the 10 day fast I lost my cravings for cigarettes-coffee and meat and now 4 months + later still have no desire for any of them. Sounds great so far --right? But NO during the cleanse I learned about my
parasite problem- I was eliminating everything under the sun-it was like the evacuation after Katrina in my bathroom each morning after the SWF. This sent me into an all out war with the pests.I will not go into detail on each treatment I did - but again thanks to all on the forums because I learned them all there. I will go into the king of the treatments though and the reason I chose to now post. I did a castor oil flush that was amazing, caused me to lose 15
pounds in a week and feel like smiling all day long. I am totally grateful for this site- during the flush I felt a massive rush from my liver-5 minutes later I went to the bathroom and produced a bowl full of blood and red liver flukes- hundreds like tiny red balloons. I think the flush was so strong that they all came out still alive. Its seven days later - I feel the best I have in years and am watching my belly shrink visibly day to day--Just thought Id share the joy--thanks all