Re: We're already doing it, anyway!!!
While true, this post doesn't account for being poisoned with things that stay in your body until specifically detoxed out. It is imperitive to detox from chemicals, metals,
parasites etc. to get them out of the way so the immune system isn't freaked out.
Yes my immune system was keeping me alive and I was taking all the vitamins, minerals, and health food, I was even fasting, but my immune system was no match for the metals, chemicals and
parasites that I was overrun with from dental work, freon exposure, moth ball exposure, etc. I had so many symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, daily migraines, vomiting after eating, etc, and this lasted for 3 years even though I was a very health concsious and active person, I had been poisoned and as hard as my immune system worked there was nothing it could do about it until I got the mercury out of my mouth and began detoxing it along with detoxing the parasites.
Had I never had any acute chemical or metal exposure or postpartum hormone irregularities my
parasite load likely would have been kept in check. My thyroid irregularity from sleep deprivation and exaustion when I had a two year old and a newborn and I was the nighttime parent for both. If your hormones are wacked, so is the immune system. Obviously I am still alive from my immune system fighting as hard as it could for 3 years of sheer migraine hell before I discovered real detoxing and don't have migraines anymore. Additionally, after I detoxed a majority of stuff I still got colds until I supplemented with Saccaromyces Boulardi daily to help the immune system.
There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle of immunity that have to be pulled together. People who never had an acute exposure to a toxic substance maybe don't have this problem. Not to mention severe systemic and mycellial candida that overran my body like it was its own, something drastic needs to be done to get rid of it.