Thanks for sharing your viewpoints on this matter. I'm glad to hear you don't get the feeling she's doing it for her husband. She's got me really worried for her. I truly hope you're right and I'm wrong.
I think its a noble thing for her to be fasting to get closer to God, I just wish she would share some of the insights she's had along this journey. I realize maybe it is too personal for her to share and I understand that. I'm just hoping she is being led by God so that she isn't putting herself in danger.
I'm also hoping she will put some kind of warning that unless you hear from God not to do two back to back 40 day fasts as this could put you in danger. I really do know the power of God so I do believe if He is leading her she will be alright.
Anyway, again thanks for your views it makes me feel a little better about her. Just this one time I'm hoping I'm wrong LOL.