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Re: Hydrotherapy results
valerie_cct Views: 11,969
Published: 16 y
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Re: Hydrotherapy results

Here's an interesting link you may want to look at:

I have some differing opinions on some of the things she recommends, such as the temperature at preparation (I recommend 103 degrees F for example), and the amount of water (2 quarts gives a good cleanse) but she does make many excellent points.

For example "The enema has also been wrongly accused of causing a gradual loss of colon muscle tone, eventually preventing bowel movements without the stimulation of an enema, leading finally to flaccidity and enlargement of the lower bowel. This actually can happen; when it does occur it is the result of frequent administration of small amounts of water (fleet enemas) for the purpose of stimulating a normal bowel movement. The result is constant stretching of the rectum without sufficient fluid to enter the descending colon. A completely opposite, highly positive effect comes from properly administered enemas while cleansing."

This is from her page that you can see by selecting the previous page link at the bottom of this page.

The essential point that she does make, and that I agree with, is that you don't have to spend $100 on a regular basis to keep your colon clean and healthy, you can do it yourself at home.


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