No! I don’t believe that you are a succubus. Now that’s out of the way I am trying to put your symptoms and problems in a chronological order.
Two symptoms bother me a lot: waking up day after day with an acid reflux, second the white things you notice in the toilet cut be portions of the tape worms (if you try to pick them up with a pair of chopsticks they would move) but could also be mucous being shed.
I believe that quark101's reply has a lot pf valid points. I would forget the parasite cleanse for the time being and concentrate on a complete body cleanse starting with a colon cleanse, followed by a kidney and bladder flush, a liver flush, and then maybe a parasite flush.
Also make sure that you eat a lot of yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other food with live good enzymes. You could also take acidophilus and bifidus caps. A small 1 cup retention enema of acidophilus solution should also help a lot.