I have posted this in a discussion and recieved some nice responses but they were about immunizations and my problem goes beyond that. I have searched online but not found much so here is my last try. I am pretty much alone here in the state that I recently moved to. We moved to PA about 9 months ago and registered our daughter in school. It was the day before school started so the nurse said we could enroll them anyways with out the doctor check up and dental. I was floored as I never heard of this. So basically you have to take your child in for a dental checkup/cleaning and a Doc. physical before school starts. Its PA law. I had never heard of anything like that so I never did do the doc. checkups hoping it would go away. But it didn't as I have gotten numerous letters and calls from the nurse and principal.
I did take them in for a dental cleaning like usual so anyways its not that I refuse to take them to a doc. but all I want is too not HAVE to take them in for some stupid doc. checkup for no reason and expose them to all the germs a waiting room has, the expense and then more lectures on shots.(they always lecture me about that) Plus at these "check ups" they take their urine and blood and for what? Just stupid tests that just make them money and have no point. All I am asking for is the God given right to decide if I want to do that or not! Why should I have to take them to a doc?
Oh well I probably not making sense but I just am so tired of our rights being taken away left and right! So basically the point is do I have to give in and take them for a "checkup" or is there any alternative?