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Re: GAllbladder cleansing, Lab test& ultrasound
docT Views: 12,650
Published: 16 y
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Re: GAllbladder cleansing, Lab test& ultrasound

Being a doctor of both alternatives and modern medicine, I'd like to point out a few things to you.

Through my many studies at Baylor and studies abroad concerning natural substances to fight disease, I must say that flushing and cleansing can actually cause stone formation. These "stones" are merely made up of the same ingredients you use to perform the proceedure.

True Gallstones are calcified- very hard and one cannot possibly "slice" these stones with the finest knives without them crumbling.

Studies have been done for 100's of years concerning gallstones. A few small actual ones will not cause any pain, will not cause illness, but diets high in fatty foods can cause more to form thus, leading to gallbladder removal. (most patients opt not to take medication for stones).

I am questioning you though...(not arguing)

Why would one do a 'flush' if you have never had a gallbladder attack? Do you realize you could of caused the actual "post flush" gallbladder attack?

Stones are stones- small ones made up of what you ingested (or calcified stones from diet) can be forced through the bile duct, however, stones slightly above pea-sized (regardless of how they formed) usually send the person to the hospital and end up having surgery to remove the gallbladder eventually.

Furthermore, diet yes can play a signifigant role in stone formation, but since they are formed beginning in the billiary tract which reside in the liver, this could be a sign something else other than diet (NASH)-is playing a role, ie, exsessive iron storage, HBV, HCV and both benign and cancerous tumors.

Why fix something if it isn't broke? Remember: first do no harm.

Flushes and cleanses will make one feel better too- because it isn't the most fun going through all of that without any food. :O) You deplete your storage of energy during a flush/cleanse, of course you will feel better after the fact.

Doc T.



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