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Re: How do I get started with the Incurables Program?
unyquity Views: 4,183
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Re: How do I get started with the Incurables Program?

Even though our version of the Incurables Program is NOT "100% Schulze", his protocol is still the 'baseline' of it all. So the first thing you need is to see the "original Dr. Schulze IP", known as the Save Your Life course. It was original sold as 12 VHS videos and a 650 page manual. Sometimes you can find it on eBay, but it's usually without the manual.

I have two sets of the VHS tapes ($50 each, contact me if you're interested), and I can help you find the videos/manual that have been burned onto DVD and manual on CD/.pdf (or download). Email me for that information ( If you do the "bit torrent thing" I understand you may be able to d/l them that way.

It's imperative that you have the manual (the "meat" is in the manual) - and you'll want to take the CD to someplace like Kinkos at have it printed out. You'll be referencing it constantly and it's not likely you'll ever read all 650 pages at your computer monitor.

#1 Learn and understand WHAT you're doing and how/why it works BEFORE you start. This program is not a "prescription" that can be written out on a prescription pad (described below). It is VERY flexible (except for the 'baselines that everybody does), and needs to be specifically designed for each individual. It is a 30 program that is repeated in 30 day cycles; each cycle is adjusted based on the previous cycles results. Some folks are SERIOUSLY "out of the weeds" in the first 30 days, but nobody gets their liver fully cleansed and functional in 30 days, and it's highly unlikely one will be having 3-5 bms daily 'without assistance' after only 30 days (possible, but not likely).

#2 FULLY understand that this program is NOT "taking a bunch of stuff out of a bottle" and doing a few cleanses. You won't be doing this a few hours a day, you'll be doing/making something every waking moment (of course, it can be modified for various energy levels/symptoms - for example "exercise 3x daily" can mean only 2 minutes 3x daily or 45 minutes 3x daily, depending upon the situation). EACH healing protocol IS important, and they all work together to reach the closest thing we can to 'full body homeostasis' which allows the body's natural 'healing schematics' to heal and restore the body...because ONLY our bodies really know what is actually wrong and how to repair it! Think of the Space Shuttle (or something just as intricate) each tiny part depends upon each other part - the body is no different. ALL the protocols are important. Sure, you may skip a part or two and ultimately 'get there', but the road WILL be bumpier and the journey WILL be longer.

Can you do it with a full/part time job? People HAVE done it with a full time job, but it's tough. If there's ANY way to take a week or two off to 'get the routine down', that'd be great. 'Wings is doing it while homeschooling 4 children and an unsupporting husband. It's working AND she's healing. But she'd be healing a LOT faster if she could dedicate more time to it.

--insert-- SO often we see "Symptom E" and treat that symptom. What we don't see is that A, B, C, & D broke down or went wrong 'behind the scenes' to create the "Symptom E" that we see. Many (many!) times we treat E and symptom F appears 3 weeks later. We think nothing of it - just a new symptom. But if "E treatment" worsened A,B,C, or D, we just started an extremely non-healing cycle. And that cycle and random treating of symptoms CAN be very dangerous...because every treatment we use that's NOT natural adversely affects homeostasis and creates more that enough, and the symptoms start becoming more and more serious. Look around CZ - you'll see that cycle 1,000's of times over. It doesn't have to be that way - our bodies KNOW how to heal themselves. We have to stop thinking we're smarter, and we have to start being willing to do what it takes. We're all looking at decades worth of EXTREMELY unnatural living, eating and chemical/pharmaceutical poisoning here. That it only takes a few months for a body that more intricate than the Space Shuttle to repair itself is a TRUE miracle, not a burden.

The basic 'foundational' program (pasted from another post) is below. There are MANY options and tweaks, for each symptom or disease. I will be happy to schedule in one phone call to assist you in determining what other products & protocols that will be necessary/beneficial for you specifically (or you can post a list of every symptom you have and I will post what you need).

(Note to everybody: I rarely have time for phone consultations - this forum is now my 'consultation tool' - yet people wanting to start the FULL IP deserve a bit of extra time to have their questions answered and get the baseline guidance everyone deserves).


Here is the basic protocol that everyone does for the first 30 days. It's known as the Incurables Program...but you don't have to have an "incurable disease" to do it - it should be called the "get yourself healthy from absolutely anything" program :) You will find almost all of the things you need in the Herbal Apothecary link at the top of every forum page.

You'll find it very beneficial to read through these three posts:



30 days solid of colon cleansing and digestive tract healing. You will using the products known as Intestinal Formula #1 (IF#1 herbs that 'make you go', if you need them), and Intestinal Formula #2 (IF#2, a fiber blend containing herbs that provide fiber/bulk, herbs that soothe & heal the intestinal tract, and Bentonite clay & activated charcoal that will adsorb toxins as they are being released, and toxins/poisons from your bloodstream). Here are the ingredients and how you will do it: //

--Diet: You will be juice fasting (be sure you read the juice fasting link so that you can understand why,
for the full 30 days of the program, or for as long/often as you can. You may have all the Potassium Broth

(or similar recipe) that you would like, and specific herbal teas for your condition (or just because you like/want them). Your goal is a gallon of juice, plus potassium broth and herbal tea daily (few people can ingest a gallon of juice daily, but that is the goal).

You need a QUALITY juicer (NOT a centrifugal juicer)

All water will be either distilled or RO filtered. When not juice fasting your diet will be STRICTLY vegan and as much raw food as possible. Absolutely NO:
white sugar, white flour, coffee, tea (green or black), processed food of any kind or unhealthy oils. NO microwaved food or water.

--You will also be removing and replacing all toxic cleansers and personal hygiene products, with healthy natural products. This can be done in 'one fell swoop' by using Miracle II products. I have a source for THE best prices available anywhere, but I haven't yet had time to create a post with the price list and pertinent information.

--Nutrition and 'fuel' for your body to heal - Superfood. 4-6 Tablespoons daily when in 'healing mode' (2 Tablespoons daily for 'normal life'). Each 14 oz baggie of Superfood provides 2 Tablespoons daily for 30 days, so you will need 2 or 3 baggies. When juices fasting or vegan eating, you will choose Superfood Original (not Special Blend)
The typical way to make/take this: mix as many tablespoons as you want into each 'smoothie' and add 8 oz of juice, 8 oz of water, 1 piece of fruit and a bit of ice (if you'd like), blend and drink.

--10 days each month you will be kidney cleansing (two 5 Day Cleanses). You will need the 10 Day kidney cleanse Package for this, and here is basically how you do it: //

(the words "tonic" & "tincture" are interchangeable - and the diet recommended does not have to be followed 'to the letter' - besides you'll be juice fasting)

--12-14 days each month you will be liver cleansing, healing & flushing. You will need the 10 Day Liver Cleanse Package for this (you *can* choose either package...the one with Blood DeTox Tincture or without the Blood DeTox Tincture). The Blood Detox tincture is not essential towards cleansing your liver, but it is a very strong 'help' to keep your blood clean and support your organs while you are cleansing). You will be doing two Five Day Liver Cleanses (which work as a "prep"), followed by a full Liver Flush on the 6th or 7th day. Here are the ingredients for the 5 Day Liver cleanse and how you do it: //

Here are the ingredients & action of the Blood DeTox Tincture:

--You have the option of using the Blood DeTox Tincture for 2 weeks (which you would get with the 10 Day Liver Cleanse package) and the Echinacea Tincture for the other two weeks OR using the Echinacea Tincture for the full 30 days. I highly suggest you use the Blood DeTox Tincture for 14 days and the Echinacea Tincture for the full 30 days, but the choice is yours. Echinacea is THE strongest immune-system bolstering herb on the planet, and combined with the raw garlic cloves you will be taking daily, it will likely obliterate any deep-seated infection issues you have.

--Castor oil packs over the liver (or other areas where there is damage or congestion that need healing):

You need either the organic/cold pressed, or hexane-free cold pressed castor oil, and a 100% natural fiber cloth (and a heating pad or hot water bottle, or other way to apply heat)

--Coffee Enemas, daily. You will want S.A. Wilsons Organic Coffee designed especially for Coffee Enemas, and you can get the perfect enema BUCKET kit (not hard to fill/clean bag) for only $6.

Here is the most comprehensive " coffee enema library" on the 'net (for your reading & learning):

In a nutshell, coffee enemas cleanse the liver, remove free radicals from the bloodstream (hence restoring energy and allowing the body to heal faster), and they are EXTREMELY beneficial for pain relief. coffee enemas are NOT for cleaning the colon (although they do increase peristalsis...the muscular, squeezing action of the intestinal tract).

--High enemas are recommended every two days - after the high enema you can "implant" herbal tea, wheat grass juice, or something like aloe gel...anything your body needs to help heal and/or detoxify.

--Therapeutic hot Cayenne Powder and/or tincture. You will work up to 3 teaspoons daily of the Cayenne powder (starting at 1/8 teaspoon 3x daily and working up). The tincture is not necessary, but it's MUCH easier to acclimate to this 'top hot' grade of Cayenne with the tincture. The tincture is also good for many emergency purposes (the powder works just as well, but it's easier to carry around and/or dose with the tincture). I am sending you a large amount of 'cayenne information' to download and read.

In a nutshell, cayenne regulates the circulation of blood throughout the body, as well as regulating blood pressure (if bp is low, cayenne will raise it; if bp is high, cayenne will lower it). Ensuring adequate circulation of blood throughout the body is essential to healing. Cayenne powder is also a very effective antiparasitical, it increases peristalsis, AND relieves anxiety!

--Speaking of circulation, you will be doing 1-3 hot/cold showers daily (plus hot/cold therapy to any specific body part or organ that is malfunctioning). A hot/cold shower starts on hot (as hot as you can stand it) for two minutes, then you totally turn off the hot water and do cold for one minute - then alternate between hot & cold 5-6 times, and end on hot. This will vastly improve circulation and 'flow' throughout the body (including emotional flow, lol).

--Raw Garlic 3-5 raw cloves of garlic daily MINIMUM. This can be chewed (ack! my hubby Rocky53 can actually do this! ylech), or chopped finely and mixed with juice. Another poster (Tierra) found it was easiest for her to get down by adding it to coconut oil. Whatever works for ya - just get it in!

Garlic is THE strongest antibacterial-viral-fungal & parasite killer in the natural kingdom. It's benefits are countless (it always strengthens the heart, cleanses the arteries and regulates blood sugar)

--The Cold Sheet Treatment :::insert scary organ music here::: lol.

This is to be done weekly, but many people will not do it or try it. It's purpose is to induce a fever as well as being a STRONG detoxification process. When we have a fever, our immune system/cells go 10x faster and stronger for every degree the temperature raises. This 'induced fever' and the bolstered immune system, will work to correct and heal what only IT knows is wrong and what pathogen or invader it needs to destroy. Dr. Schulze /Christopher would tell you, you HAVE to do it - I will tell're cheating yourself if you don't do it, but I understand why people don't want to do/try it.
If you plan on doing the Cold Sheet Treatment, you will need a 2 oz bottle of Cayenne tincture and a 2 oz bottle of Lobelia tincture, plus the Cold Sheet bath herbs and the Cold Sheet tea.

--Skin brushing - daily (with a natural fiber brush)

--Exercise - no matter what your condition, you will exercise until you either sweat or pant 3x daily. If this takes only 2 minutes, then that's what you do. Lots of stretching, walking, and just MOVING are essential to health and life

--Deep breathing - for at least 15 minutes a day (if not 3+x daily) do extremely deep breathing. There are zillions of methods for this, but all that's important is that you breath so deeply that it hurts! Be sure NOT to raise/elevate your shoulders, but draw the air deeply into your lungs and "gut". We can live months without food, days without water, but only minutes without oxygen. Back in the 1970's, the level of oxygen in the air was 30+%. Now it's estimated to be 18% in the country and only 12% in the city. Want your body to heal? BREATH DEEPLY OFTEN :)

--Barefootin'!!! Daily our bodies are PLOWED with very toxic frequencies of various kinds. Our bodies are basically electrical machines, and these frequencies can be extremely harmful. The earth is a natural 'ground', and when we put our barefeet (or socked feet) on the earth, the earth WILL pull out these toxic frequencies (which play havoc with our bodies, sleep rhythms/patterns, emotional state and stress). 15 minutes daily (at the minimum) absolutely NO exception.

--Sunbathing/Heliotherapy - The goal is an hour a day (working up to that for the fair skinned), completely naked. The sun is an incredible healer and source of Vitamin D. Do your best for 'completely naked' :)

Just like each individual organ and system of our body is dependent on the health of every other organ & system of our body, our 'trinity self' is also co-dependent. Our emotional & spiritual health also impact the health of our body (just as the health of our body impacts our emotional & spiritual health).

You will want to be implementing (or eliminating) as much of these things as you can:


(if you've never heard of this, please watch the video on the home page)
--DITCH the television - it's negative and radiates horrible amounts of toxic EMFs - replace it LIVING.
--"Trashing", while you're cleansing your body, clean out the emotional garbage in your home. We all have things that are trashing the house (that we haven't touched in years) and some that everytime we look at them, is a total downer. TRASH THEM ALL!
--Relaxation - do absolutely NOTHING - relaxation isn't playing video games or doing hobbies or watching TV, it's doing NOTHING. It's feels great to do nothing, do some of it :)
--Express yourself - not your fake self, but YOURself
--Positive Affirmations
--LAUGH!!! LOVE!!! PLAY LIKE A CHILD!!! Remember what it's like to FEEL emotion and then let it out.
--If you've got a partner that you enjoy, then have more sex!
--Reach out and help someone.
--Forgive someone (and yourself) every day
--REJOICE and Love Life. Our bodies are the ONLY machine on the planet that can be totally abused by all the horrendously 'wrong fuel', lack of maintenance, and TOTALLY unnatural and toxic/poison environment and still be functioning. It's a MIRACLE that with a few months worth of effort, we can restore our bodies to total health. Healing is a JOY, not a pain in the butt. CELEBRATE LIFE.

As both of you are likely aware, I have not yet had a chance to compile every persnickety detail of this program, so there may be some tiny things missing from this post - but this is the basics, and more than enough to get you started on the road to restoring yourself to vibrant health.

This program (the IP by Dr. Schulze ) was originally offered as 12 VHS Videos & a 650 page manual. It retailed for around $400. It can occasionally be found on eBay (but generally without the manual, and the manual is 'where the meat is'), but it has also been burned onto DVD with the manual burned onto CD. If you'd like me to help you locate a set, then please email me:

Dr. Schulze's "Natural Healing Crusade" videos are available online. Watching them would be of GREAT benefit to your health and healing. Here's a post that tells you where they are: //



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