Boot camp? and other thoughts....Re: Short update on me...Re: How do I get started with the Incurables Program?
Thank you all for the wonderful information. You're more than welcome, of course :) Note: this post is not necessarily meant "at" you - it's also meant for the hundreds of people that will be reading it over the next few months/years :)
I'm going to have to think it over. As should everybody that's considering any aspect of self-healing. I wish everyone would do a LOT more thinking and learning before they start taking even the most innocuous of supplements. Even something as simple as Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can deplete copper leves, raise blood iron levels, cause bleeding gums and even contribute to aneurisms. I don't know if I have the money to buy the necessities for this kind of program. I'm not big on "boot camp" kind of thinking about illness - even though I do understand why it may be necessary.Money issues aside...if one really understand why it "may be necessary" to cleanse & heal the body in a 'full body healing program' then it seems odd one would think of it as a "boot camp". In reality, it's just simple & logical (and a true miracle that our bodies CAN be restored to vibrant health after decades of abuse and lack of any basic/logical type of maintenance). Although for the most part, it's been entirely inadvertant, most people do NOT grasp how insidiously dedicated we've been at destroying our health/body for our entire lives. If we could transplant any person from 1909 into 2009, they'd likely be critically ill after living in our society in less than a month. The levels of unnatural poisons today is truly brutal (physical, chemical, EMF's/radiation, lack of oxygen in the environment, etc). Most people on CZ (even some of the most prolific posters) really haven't experienced this reality (because "prolific poster" does NOT equal "dedicated to healing"). Those of us that have undertaken a full body healing know from experience just how poisoned this planet is...because a simple half-way healthy meal can cause incredibly strong/negative reactions. Once one has cleansed and restored their body, it's easy to understand why a dedicated program is both effective and necessary.
The bottom line is that I have alot of stress to deal with when it comes to money. The landlord is selling the place that we just moved into 5 months ago. So, I may have to move again at any given moment.
There's alot more but I don't want to get into it here... I just can't afford to buy the correct juicer, all the organic produce, supplements, & I don't know if I could handle the stress of going through a boot camp kind of routine right now. I understand, money is always an issue. But when you say: "the stress of boot camp", methinks you've got the wrong idea entirely! There's NOTHING stressful to the human body to have all it's organs/systems cleansed and working together at the same time. The body REJOICES and the healing is speeded substantially (what most consider miraculously). This process is not something to be dreaded, it's something to relish and look forward to accomplishing!
It was hard enough just going through doing a liver flush, yesterday...Of course, single organ cleansing (especially the liver) "jumped into with brute force" is very exhausting. If one has taken a week or so to prep the liver, if one is having regular bowel movements, if one's body is assimilating ample nutrition (through juicing & superfoods), and by juicing 65% of the body's energy (that is usually spent in the process of digestion/assimilation & nutrition) can be devoted to assisting the liver (or other organ/system that is being restored), the process of a liver flush is MUCH less exhausting/difficult, than just "out of the blue", sucking down dehydrating/electrolyte imbalancing Epsom Salts and then slamming down 1/2 cup of oil & citrus. Hello "liver that's been without mainenance for a lifetime and is seriously compromised" WHAM - BAM - FLUSH NOW. Yikes, no wonder most folks have 'negative' experiences. This is a bit simplistic perhaps, but a vital truth, nonetheless:
One of the symptoms of Lyme/Fibro is brain fog which is really a kind of silly term for cognitive disorder which can occur from having Lyme unrecognized long term. I know "brain fog"...and I know it's rough. I don't think I'm up for reading 600 page manuals & trying to figure out the necessities of all of this at the moment. I've helped a LOT of people over the past few years with this program with varying levels of 'brain fog', depression, extreme anxiety and various levels of pharmaceutically induced 'dementia'. Whenever something like this is the case, we use 'herbal bandaids' (some can actually effect a cure) to help assist folks to be ABLE to get their head around it all. #1 option: Dr. Schulzes Brain Formula (this herbal blend really is awesome...and extremely effective!):
(that link doesn't really do a completely job of explaining what each herb does and how they work, but I've never known anyone that used it to not see an appreciable difference [positive] with issues of 'brain fog'. Another that is suprisingly effect for 'brain fog' is St. John's Wort...we think of it as simply a 'mood enhancer', but it's much more than that.
I used to be able to do all of this when I was well - but it's just not something I can do right now. Maybe I can try a more relaxed version of some of the techniques? Sure, you can start 'easy/slow' and work up as you feel better. It just takes longer and sometimes one has to 'redo' a few things they've done before. The BEST starting place (I perceive) for you, would be to get 4oz of the Brain Formula, daily Superfood and the 30 days worth of IF#1 & #2. If you wanted to add 4oz of Echinacea ticture to start bolstering what is likely a VERY compromised and depressed immune system, it's likely you'd feel a substantial difference in a couple of weeks.
Please don't get me wrong... I'm not being critical of you guys or wimping out in one way or another. It's just that I've been through too much emotional & physical stress recently to go through this right now. More important, I just don't have the funds...Then, by ALL means, start where you can with what you need (and what you can possibly afford), get the benefits, and progress further into the program as you feel you can. Nothing works right when we're not assimilating nutrients & expelling waste adequately (basic science 3rd grade: no life form can exist unless it can adequately do those two things). And one certainly can't have "energy" without either of those two things.
I will be following the info posted here! I wish everyone here the best of luck in healing their health issues. FANTASTIC! You know right where to find me/us