Re: Never meant to
I do not see that you are wrong at all.
I am not worried for them nor have I ever tried to change them. My mom had seem to take an interest when I changed my views. It ended up being a nightmare because it was like she was not interested in what I had to say. It was all about asking me a question and when I would answer her she would turn it into a debate. I do not like to argue with family or anyone for that matter on their personal beliefs.
I can tell you that my brother thinks that the ten commandments are nothing more than a good story some guy made up to put in the bible. As obsured as this may be to me that he thinks this way I still love him as my brother. However, I would never ask him for advice on the bible. He also thinks that you can worship any God you want to as long as you mean well you will still get into heaven.
I try so hard to bit my tongue and not say anything. It is why God gave human free will.
I have not read the bible in its entirety. My BF has an ex-brother-in-law who lives in Indiana who has for a very long time believed the way I am just now learning and I am learning to let my opinions be just that and let my family be who they are. I am learning not to judge others and getting a feel for the bible.
Thanks for your input it is as always greatly appreciated.
I dont really have a chance to really talk to anyone about things I have learned and its been nice to hear what you have had to say without it turning into a boxing match.