--answer--Question on the Bible
Your question: Hi Moreless
I was wondering if you could help me understand something…
I have just started out in my own little venture to understand and seek the truths of the Bible. For me this meant giving up the man-made holidays and only recognizing God’s Holy Days. On top of recognizing the true Sabbath (not what most religions want you to believe the Sabbath is). I have only begun on my journey and I can tell you that it has really opened my eyes BIG time to all the deception I have been exposed to my whole life.
My question is: Does the Bible say anything about steering clear of people who are -- for a lack of a better way to say it – Ignorant?
I am not trying to be judgmental on anyone who cannot help themselves from being this way I am talking about the people who know right from wrong and sin anyway.
Here is the reason why I ask …
I have out of courtesy explained to my family that I no longer celebrate these traditions. Which means please do not wish me a Merry Christmas or a Happy Easter or any of the sort. I was as polite as I knew possibly to be.
My mother became intrigued at first and started to ask me some questions and of course I answered them to the best of my ability and when I did not know the answer I searched it and came back with something intelligent to say. However it seems as though it became so that she would argue about my beliefs and hers. I understand that the Devil’s only objective is to deceive the masses but why would someone want to intentionally argue about something such as this?? I mean I could understand if I was shoving it down her throat but I was not.
My mother is happier than heck to be where she is in life. She has no desire to learn anything new and what she does want to learn does not help her from learning the truths on life, the bible, anything. Really its all fun stuff like how can I shop today and spend money. She is from the era where the man supports the woman and the man is King. Nothing wrong with this at all it is not my place to say what one believes and dis-believes. I have just noticed that when it comes to her husband she does not have a back bone and refuses to stand for what she personally believes in.
I am the complete opposite of her. I am curious as heck about learning what I can. Trying to further my own education on my own through things like this forum reading many books, the bible things like that. I am not a man basher by any stretch of the means however I can tell you that if there is something I feel very strongly about there is absolutely no one on this planet than can sway me from my beliefs and I don’t care who you are. – That is my personal belief. But I am also very open for learning. I LOVE to learn when it is the truth. If I find something out I am usually first going to do research on it before I believe it.
Anyway, I feel this strain between my mother and I. At least from my perspective. I moved back to my hometown in Ohio to help her grow her business so I work with her every day. I am trying soooo hard to get over this but I cant help it I feel like I am trying to talk to a 5 year old who wants to go out and play all the time instead of wanting to grow up and get down to business. It is like she is happy being ignorant and wants to bash me at every opportunity. I have respect for her because she’s my mom. I respect her for trying her best to raise me as a child but there has to be a point when it all stops. Under normal circumstances if this was anyone else I would have left them so far behind it would have made their head spin. However being that its my mother its not that simple.
So I guess back to my original question – How does one deal with this trying to live through God???
Answer: This is real Tough when it is our Loved ones we are having to deal with and we want them to see the Light as we think we are seeing it?
Did you catch what I just said?
As we think we are seeing it?
Or in other words as we think the Truth is?
When it comes to Religion I have found that most of what folks come to follow and or think is Right, may be opposite of the Truth !
Why do I say this?
Because when we learn something we want to impress others by what we supposedly think we have learned !
This usually causes us to think we and or others have to follow certain Doctrines etc to fit into God's Kingdom and or be worthy to be a Christain?
If we keep an open mind we may find that most of Organized Religions are full of False teachings and Deception?
The Bible makes it Very Clear and Plain for those Seeking the Truth what is Truth and the way to Follow Truth, but it is too Simple for most folks and folks Seek for something more Complicated with Doctrines and Manmade Rules etc !
Here are the Fruits of the Spirit:
Galatians chapter 5 starting with verse 22: The Fruits of the Spirit are: Love,
Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance;
against these there is No Law to judge and condem us by .
Could these lead to Better Mental and Physical Health and Happiness ?
And these are the Works of the Flesh :
Galatians chapter 5 verse 19: The works of the Flesh are Adultery, Fornication,
Uncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Haterd, Variance, Emulations,
Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Heresies, Envings, Murders, Drunkenness, Revellings,
and the such of which, they who choose to do these things shall not inherit the
kingdom of God !
Could these lead to Mental and Physical Sickness and Disease ?
We can utilize the Fruits of the Spirit to determine all things, be they Good and worthwhile or Bad and Full of Deception !
The Fruits of the Spirit: against these there is No Law to judge and condem us by
We can Hang our hat and coat and our Very existance on the Fruits of the Spirit as the Truth of God !
What ever problem we are facing, we can utilize the Fruits of the Spirit to determine How and What course of action we should take with ourself or others !
Thus, with your Mother, Seek to react with her by and thru the Fruits of the Spirit and you cannot go wrong !
But, if you choose to react with her using the Works of the Flesh, this is Satan's way !
It cannot get any Simpler than this !
Just a word of caution: We all must Endure unto the End Fighting each day to overcome wanting to choose the easy way of the Works of the Flesh in our interactions with others !
It is a Daily struggle to Live by the Fruits of the Spirit, only when we choose to give in to Satan's Deception !
What may help you is to just look for the Good in your Mother and ignore the Evil ideas and or ways she may try to get you caught up in !
Overlook your wants and treat her with the attention she wants and swallow your own Pride when with her and let her feel Important, for this is all she wants?
A parent who has become a Responsible Adult should be the one giving their children the attention and making them feel Important and teaching them to take Personal Responsibility, but most parents Never learned these things themself !
So, How can they pass this much needed Wisdom and Knowledge onto their children?
If the child has come to know God and gained Wisdom from God, the child then may have to be the one to make things work with their Parent if the Parent never learned themself ?
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.