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Liver flushing without ES :) Re: Liver Flush. This friday. need details.
...crack open that SYL manual and read Schulzes chapter on liver flushing. NO
Epsom Salts . 5000 livers flushed, not one problem.
It's pretty uncommon to find a situation where one actually *needs* ES to have a succesful flush. Stones come out of the liver & gallbladder all the time...if they didn't people's gallbladders would explode before they were kindergarten.
Yes, ES is a great "assist", but they're also dehydrating; throw off electrolytes; for some, they cause rectal bleeding (me); can irritate the lining of the intestinal tract, and ES can be VERY rough on the kidneys.
With a bit of good prep work (coffee enemas,
Dr. Schulze s 5 day flush drink- tinture/tea, foot reflexology, castor oil packs, etc), it's truly is rare that people actually NEED
Epsom Salts for a liver flush.
And, if one has a
coffee enema 'brewed and at the ready', that's just about all the safety any one could ask for :)
Inquiring minds wanna know :)
Healing blessings -