Re: More Plaque!
I wanted to make a suggestion about your electrolytes. Try drinking the juice of a fresh lemon in a glass of water at least twice a day. You could follow
The Master Cleanse lemonade recipe and sweeten it with Maple syrup. This is not a call to follow the fast, just do this as a supplement. The lemons contain potassium and sodium, necessary elements for the body. I was worried about low electrolyes during liver flushes. I started drinking a half gallon of the
Master-Cleanse lemonade the day of the flush and it has made a huge difference. Also lemons are very cleansing to the system and will be a nice complement to your colon cleanse.
BTW-I nearly died from a severe electrolyte imbalance caused by prescription medicine; so I am very careful about keeping essential minerals available during cleansing.
For your hair try a magnesium supplement and some virgin coconut oil. Eat a tablespoon or two of the oil every day, and use the oil as a conditioner too. My doctor put me on magnesium and it has made a world of difference in my hair and nails.