Re: Please HELP! What do you think of my cortisol levels?
Growing Gratitude.
You have very low cortisol.
Cortisol AM saliva 2.9L ng/ml Range 3.7-9.5
Cortisol noon 0.9L ng/ml Range 1.2-3.0
Cortisol Evening 0.6 n/ml Range 0.6-1.9
Cortisonl Night 0.5 ng/ml Range 0.4-1.0
Your first am reading should be at the top at 9.5, your noon should be in the upper middle range and evening toward the bottom and the night at the bottom. Your cortisol burden is 4.9 (total all the numbers) - VERY LOW. The normal cortisol burden range is 5.9-15.4. It should be somewhere around 13.2ish. You need adrenal support. Lots of Vitamin C, B complex vitamin, good quality salt like Redmonds RealSalt or Himalayan, putting a pinch of salt in water should give you noticeable boost. You should try and find a doctor who will prescribe hydrocortisone to give your adrenals what they need. In lieu of HC, Isocort and licorice root are helpful. You need to feed your adrenals, eggs are GOOD for them. I've heard soft cooked eggs are the best, raw if you can get your hands on some really fresh organic ones. Coconut oil is good too. Eat frequent high protein, low carb meals to keep your low blood
Sugar at bay. REST as much as you can, SUNSHINE is good too. The rule of thumb for adrenal fatigue is in bed before 10pm and try to stay in bed until 9 am. Have you had your thyroid tested? What is your morning basal temp? If it is below 97.8 in the morning, then you're dealing with a thyroid issue too.
"Generally, the average temperature of an adult with a healthy thyroid and a healthy metabolism is 98.6 degrees
Fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees Celsius, and that occurs around mid-afternoon or 3 pm. So if you take your mid-afternoon temp and find it in low 98’s or even in the 97’s, you have been given a strong clue that you may be hypothyroid. And a few report their mid-afternoon temp being in the 96’s. BRRRR.
Another temperature clue is to take it before you rise from your bed in the morning. Dr. Broda Barnes, a doctor who paid attention to clinical presentation and prescribed Armour, found that a healthy before-rising morning basal temp should be between 97.8 - 98.2. If it’s higher, you may be hyperthyroid, and if it’s lower, you are most likely hypothyroid. He also recommended under-the-arm temperature testing, but patients have found oral to be just as effective." ( Read
and join the yahoo groups NaturalThyroidHormone and NaturalThyroidHormoneAdrenals. You'll find the help you need there. The mods are great and have dealt with adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues.