It happens to everyone who takes deep cleansing enemas for several consecutive days. I usually feel that after 3 or 4 days of deep cleansing enemas I need an acidophilus enema. I take 1/8th teaspoon of acidophilus powder in a cup of warm water with a bulb syringe. During intensive cleansing I always take Primadophilus Bifidus by Nature’s Way daily.
My Mother, who took laxatives (senna tea) daily and several times a week took soapsuds enemas, daily ate 1 cup of yogurt. We made yogurt at home in one gallon vats. We always had at least one gallon of yogurt in the house.
Acidophilus retention enema To replace the friendly bacteria in the colon, do an acidophilus retention enema.
Preparation of solution. Use 1/8 teaspoon of acidophilus powder to 1 cup of lukewarm (body-temperature) water. Shake vigorously to dissolve.
Procedure The best position to assume when receiving the enema is "shoulders lower than the anus." This implant will restore healthy bacteria so that constipation will be eliminated. After the liquid has been inserted, roll onto your right side and hold the solution in your body for fifteen minutes before allowing the fluid to be expelled. Do not roll from side to side.
Do not be concerned if the liquid is not expelled after fifteen minutes. Simply stand up and move around as usual until you feel the urge to expel the liquid.
I have not taken a yogurt enema for many years and don’t remember exactly how to prepare the solution. I am researching this subject and will keep you abreast. I have known people who take daily enemas for most of their lives and are in very good health, better than the average in my judgement. Most people who taken cleansing enemas on a regular basis do take enzymes to counteract the “washing out of the good bacteria”.