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Liver Flukes - Long Living and Tough...A MUST READ
Liver flukes can each live to be over 20 years old - inside the human body. They are hard to get rid of because they LIVE in ACID. Yep - they are born, raised, live in and die in the liver - which we all know contains both blood and bile. Bile is comprised of digestive enzymes - acids.
This is the reason why liver flukes can be so readily identified when they are killed and come out in the stool. They are whole because the digestive tract CANNOT break them down. They are immune to the acids.
In many cases - the flukes are killed by parasite cleansing - BUT - it will take them some time to be worked out of the liver and down out of the body. They are dead and have been dead for a while - they are just slow about coming on out. In other cases - the amount of liver flukes is low and one good parasite cleanse will knock them out. Rule of thumb - the older the infection (10-20 years) the longer it take to get them all out. The newer the infection (less than 10 years) the faster they are to be removed.
Liver flukes can quite easily become resistant to too much parasite cleansing - after all - they have to get adjusted to prescription meds, food, water and air toxins and any other thing that passes through the liver on a regular basis.
However, they are cleansed out just like any other parasites. 30 days on and 90 days off. This removes what it can each time but does not create resistance.
I have had customers from right here on CureZone who have lost over 7 pounds of flukes from taking HUMAWORM. It will work and they can be removed - but patience is key :)