I'm also having a problem with Flukes.. I'm halfway through my second round of HW, and expelling a ton of flukes... So, obviously the first round didn't get them all.. I know that HW continues to work 30 days AFTER your last dose... and the fact that you are still expelling flukes (Dead, I'm assuming) confirms that it is still working... however... Logic almost dictates that you should keep taking it until you don't see any more of them...
There are a couple of philosphies that I have read on these boards concerning parasites..
1. (as humaworm states)... you only take an atiparasite for 3 days.. max 3 times a year... this is to avoid the parasites becoming resistant to the herbs... but, the problem that I would see with this.. is that you are never completely killing them of...
2. (as dr. sutter's follows have stated)aggressively go after the parasites till they are gone.. i.e. 3-6 months, until you are sure they are gone.. and then go on a daily/weekly preventative.. like Barefoots herbal concotion..
I'm pretty new at this.. but, I would think somewhere along the line you would have to decide which protocol you want to chose.. believe in it.. and follow it to a tee, and have faith...
I'm really hoping that HUMAworm chimes in here to clarify this for us.. as I would love to have some direction as well.. (just a note.. I passed 2 1/2 cups worth yesterday after my liver flush... wanna talk about GROSS?!??! eow!)