brother clint on the flu
Last week I came down with something. I don't think it was the swine flu. But I live in Texas around a lot of people that have relatives and family from Mexico. So who knows???
At first I had the runs. Yuk. Then I started vomiting for most of the morning. Its not too pleasant when you don't have anything in your stomach and you keep on trying to vomit. Double Yuk.
Before I started to vomit I took activated charcoal in capsules. Then I drank a little wine to see if that would help. That was not the answer. Soon after I drank the wine, I started to vomit until there was nothing left in my stomach and I was still gagging.
Then I took a dozen or so more activated charcoal capsules. The charcoal absorbs poisons in your gut. Before the day was over my vomit as well as runs were filled with the wonderful black activated charcoal. What makes this so wonderful is that there is nothing on the face of the earth that will better absorb poisons than charcoal. And you don't hear much about it because there just is no money in it. It is easy to make and really cheap. So don't ever think the big phams or their doctor goons are going to ever tell you about it. It would hurt both of their profits. And with most doctors (probably 99 out of 100) the money is what counts. That is why they became a doctor. Come on lets face reality. Sure there is the one in a hundred that really is a doctor because their life's calling was that and they really do wish to help people and it is not all about the money. Good luck in finding that one. Few and far between.
Well back to charcoal. If you don't have any, then get some. I like to buy it in the capsule form from Nature's Sunshine. 100 capsules cost around $10.00. And they very well could save your life or the life of one of your loved ones.
Whenever I get the runs or feel really nauseated I take activated charcoal to absorb all those little poisons that are causing the gut to be upset. You need to seriously consider this also.
My best friend at work came down with this run/puke whatever it was at the same time I did. The only think I can think was in common was that we both ate some carrots. She offered me a few to eat the day I came down with this crud. I had not even been around her for a week. But I had a few free moments when I was printing out a report so I stopped by and said hi. She offered me a few carrots to eat. I can not say for certain this was the source but regardless of the source we got the same thing at the same time.
I lost a day and half from work. Never went to the doctor. I am OK now. I went the natural route. My friend (about 8 years younger than me) went the conventional medical route. She will be out 10 days from work on Monday. I called her several times. She really sounded bad.
Now her system is filled with antibiotics and her intestinal flora is shot. I offered to bring her some charcoal. Nope, the doctors were her choice. Well she may not have made it without them. And I am grateful for that. But I think the charcoal would have done her a lot more good.
Well this is running and puking story I know. But I am writing it to recommend that if you start to have runs and/or vomiting then take activated charcoal. It will absorb more poison in your system than you can immagine and it will not knock out your good bacteria like antibiotics.
Of course the doctors will not ever recommend it and big Pharm will be livid about it.
When it comes to poisons in your system, I will trust activated charcoal over the doctors first. If I need the doctors, I will use them. But the natural gets first crack at it. And usually wins so I don't need the doctors.
Sure I have gone through some pain and fatigue and inconvenience. But nothing like those that go the wonderful yellow brick road of the doctors and their madness or should I say their profit.
I hope that I did not have swine flu. But it does not matter what it was. The main thing is that you know how to deal with it. And activated charcoal is one of my weapons.
Prayerfully, consider it. Ask the heavenly father for wisdom and He will give it too you. Don't be so proud and stubborn to always just listen to men. If you do, you probably will not make it some day. And it will only be your own fault for being so stubborn not to listen or to even seek.
Well the swine flu may be upon us. Go the natural way first. And then if you need medical attention go that route. But give the natural a chance first. It costs a whole lot less and can be a lot more effective. It can help you to avoid the medical route which will provide one more bed for those that are not so fortunate to know what you just had the opportunity to learn.
Yep, I count it an opportunity to know about this board and the wonderful contributors thereon.