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Re: Colonics
Hi naturalgirl, great question, but first in the interests of full disclosure I have to say that I provide
colonics to make my living. I work in the office of a naturopathic physician giving enemas and
colonics as he prescribes, and also have my own
colonic practice which makes up about half of my clients.
Most people after receiving their first
colonic report that it was a much more pleasant experience than they expected. Unless you are severely constipated at the time, a
colonic is virtually without discomfort. A colonic offers a far more thorough cleanse than a series of large volume enemas, without the discomfort associated with taking an enema until a sufficient amount of solution is introduced into the colon to produce good results.
The satisfaction that you will experience from a colonic depends to a great extent on the therapist who administers it. Before you schedule an appointment I suggest that you talk with the therapist on the phone and ask a lot of questions. A good therapist will welcome your questions and be eager to answer them.
If after speaking with her you think you would like to go forward with scheduling an appointment, first ask if you could visit her studio to meet her and see her equipment. Everything should be spotless and you should have a good feeling about her before proceeding. Then if all seems right to you, by all means schedule an appointment.
I doubt that you will be disappointed, and if you do decide to have a colonic for the first time, please share your experience with the rest of us here!
Best wishes for a healthy and pleasant cleansing,