Ever stood out in a coming thunderstorm and seen the bolts of lightning far off? The wind picks up, gusts around, and you feel the change coming due to this mighty weather change. And then, when the bolts start getting closer and closer, you can feel your pulse rising, the wind lifting your hair and smacking your body. The scent of rain is in the air as well. And then, your hair stands up on end all over you. A wild tingling begins in your feet, rips up your legs, tunneling into your torso and shooting up into your head. The next thing you know is you hear a thunderous boom that flattens you against the earth. That's called getting struck by lightning.
Cosmically speaking from an astrological perspective, we've got a storm looming on the horizon. This is no little storm. This is a global one that will create changes for all of us in the very near future. How close is it? Well, you're already experiencing the chaos as it gathers on the horizon and darkens, racing our way, right now. Look at your life: Things are nice and calm? Going along as you anticipated? You're fixed rut routine is just that? You're not being asked to bend or compromise?
I don't think so...
This Cosmic lineup of five events in a 5 week period is, quite literally, an earthquake between two major realities here on Earth. Like the plates that slide up and past one another as continents floating on the surface of Mother Earth, we have our own tectonic plate adjustments going on from October 1st through November 12th, 2004. And these are tremors. They aren't even a quake. These are mega quakes coming. The realities are the "old guard" that Bush represents and the "new guard" that Kerry represents. You can see the separation; the difference between their realities. And with Saturn in this mix representing the old guard, it is retrograding, so Bush's reality is slowly eroding and slipping away. And, with both Neptune and Uranus, representing the new reality, going direct in this same time frame, you have the more hopeful one surfacing more strongly.
Not with this gathering storm of huge, outer planets bracketed by two powerful eclipses thundering toward us right now. The ball starts rolling with the New Moon Eclipse of 10.13.04. This is a very nasty, hard-edged solar eclipse; far more butt kicking than normal. Why? Because the Moon is conjunct Mars and that portends towards violence, action, fire, guns, wars, terrorism, tempers out of control, for starters. More than anything, you can call this eclipse the ACTION trigger for the entire cascade of events that is to follow. Here's what it is going to trigger off:
FIRST BOLT: New Moon Solar Eclipse: October 13, 2004 at 21 Libra (Aries by opposition) 06, at 7:48 PM PDT
SECOND BOLT: Neptune goes DIRECT on October 24, 2004 at 12 Aquarius (Leo by opposition) 37 at 4:47 AM PDT
THIRD BOLT: Full Moon Solar Eclipse: October 27, 2004 at 5 Taurus (Scorpio by opposition) 02 at 8:07 PM PDT
FOURTH BOLT: Saturn going RETROGRADE: November 7, 2004 at 27 Cancer (Capricorn by opposition) 21 at 10:54 PM PDT
And the last one that's going to finish it off as if lightning were striking us:
FIFTH BOLT: Uranus going DIRECT: November 11, 2004 at 2 Pisces (Virgo by opposition) 52 at 11:11 AM PDT
You take a look at this line up of rough and tumble bolts of lightning in this cosmic storm that's almost on top of us right now, and all you can do is gulp and hope that you got what it takes to get through it in one piece. There is no accident that this lineup is taking place right in the middle of USA presidential elections, either. You can expect the unexpected. I believe an assassination attempt or a terrorist event(s) in the USA, will take place at some point in the middle of this storm we're going to have to weather together.
I have never seen three huge, outer planets like this, trip off one, two, three, in a row within 2 1/2 weeks of one another ALONG WITH two major eclipses pushing them into frenetic action. This is simply an amazing chain of sky events. And then, to put two kick-ass, butt kicking eclipses at the front end of this storm to trip it off, you know it is going to be one hell of an EMOTIONAL time as few you have ever had to experience.
Those most caught up in this storm, are the sun signs that are noted above. You (and the opposite astrology sun sign) will be most effected. So, prepare for changes in your life; sometimes feeling as if, indeed a bolt of lightning has stunned you, thrown you off balance and you're staggering around, not sure about which way to go any more. Already, I'm seeing sudden announcements of people wanting a divorce from one another, beloved animals suddenly dying, people dying unexpectedly....in other words, with the two eclipses, our emotions are running hard and strong. And it's not all good news.
On the other hand, I've seen people get something they've been working for and they are over joyed. These eclipses are a giveth and taking away on a grand scale in each person's life who is touched by them. Whether you have something coming into your life, or leaving, one or the other--or both--will be experienced by you personally. And it will altar your emotions and you will go, potentially, through a 'storm' of feelings because of it. No one is going to remain untouched by this cannonball express roaring down upon us in October through early November, 2004. You might as well get over the fear factor and decide how to handle this chaos that's speeding our way like a runaway freight train.
First of all, fear this cosmic storm is going to do you no good at all. All fear does is freeze you and stops or slows you down from taking appropriate actions that just might otherwise affect you very positively during this juggernaut time. The key to a surviving this period in tack and with strength is to be FLEXIBLE. Do NOT dig your heels in during this time! You'll be dragged kicking and screaming. That's not what you want. Instead, be adaptable, bend, compromise and make the changes that you're getting pressured to make a decision on. This is not a period to waffle or be unsure. Things will be taken away from all of us so that we can see which way we truly need to go on our path in life.
Sometimes, we need to shed a part of ourselves whether we know it or not. Everything in our lives has a cycle. A beginning, middle and end. With these transits and eclipses, it is time to shed things out of our lives that are time to go. We need to learn to try and be gracious about releasing those things, people, places, animals or other things that must part from us. Parting is always painful; there is no question about that. But parting and giving up things is about the cycle of living and dying.
There is not a question there isn't going to be losses with this month and a half of chaos--because there will be. This could translate into losing someone you love through a divorce, death, or a separation of some sort (think of the military here), loss of a job, loss of a favorite pet, loss of a friend (or someone you THOUGHT was a friend and wasn't), loss of business partners, loss of students if you are a teacher, loss of weight (wouldn't that be nice!), loss via a move from one school to another or one state or country to another, loss of idealism (so you can be more realistic about your life), or some kind of loss of innocence (which has been happening here since 9.11).
And look at the loss as positive. It was TIME for whatever it is that you are going to give up--to go. Look at it from the standpoint that what is gone leaves an opening within your life for something new that is better for you at this age and stage of your growth. Nothing new, none of those dreams or goals you have, can be completed at times, until something is removed to make room for them, instead. So, as painful as it might become, see what is leaving your life as an opportunity for something better for you, to replace it. With this kind of mature attitude, you will deal with the loss appropriately but you also are not going to dwell obsessively on it either. And it is in this phase of obsession that the energy is stalled and cannot come to you at the time you should have it. So, release whatever it is, with joy and surrender. And then know that a new day is dawning that will give you the gift that better replaces what was there before.
Let's break this juggernaut down. First, we have the two eclipses that are the triggers for this series of chaotic events. What we can say is that your emotions are going to be on boil and that it's going to be very tough to think coherently, logically or rationally through this time period between October 6th through October 27th. The first two signs to get put on high emotional roller coaster is Libra with the new moon solar eclipse on October 13th. It takes place in the sign of Libra (by opposite polarity, Aries sun sign folks), which is all about partnerships, relationships and dealing with the people in your life--no matter whether they are siblings, children, spouse, business related, friends or acquaintances--and even the stranger on the street--are all potential lightning bolts in your life. Keep your eye on this ball: It is ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS.
At least one, and probably two because it is in the dual sign of Libra, are going to be a real burr under your saddle, come up for review and changes are absolutely going to have to be made. Tough choices. Tough love, are on board for this one. You are going to have 2 unhappy campers in your life that you have to deal with. And are they going to be mature? Hell no. They are going to be acting out, projecting, shooting at you and using YOU as their TARGET!
It's one thing if you deserve to be shot at by these two jay birds, but chances are, you aren't the reason for their emotional hailstorm, immaturity or their nasty projections they choose not to own. So, you become GROUND ZERO. This is where this eclipse is going to highlight. Now, you can't disown your own child, but if it is a child, you are going to have to set the child straight, create firm boundaries with them and be extremely firm in your resolve of what is the right choices to make in regards to what is going on presently between you. The same goes for business associates, friends and loved ones. Give no quarter. Take no quarter. You are the innocent lamb being dragged to slaughter as the reason for their disappointments or unhappiness in their lives.
Well, I got news: you don't need to play the victim in all of this--especially since it is NOT YOUR FAULT! You've got to stand upon your own two feet and confront, hold your space, create strong boundaries and stay the course for yourself. It's always fun to try and be rational and think logically when you have adults or children popping off around you like immature six year olds having temper tantrums. But, that's what this eclipse is all about: so hold your space, speak your truth, put up boundaries and let the chips fall where they may. Otherwise, you'll get eaten alive by these individuals and that's not a pleasant choice to make.
Tempers are gonna flare a week before this first eclipse that explodes on October 13th. Watch out for road rage; it's alive and well out there, unfortunately. Guns, explosions, fires and rage are all ruled by Mars. The Aries people at the opposite end of this eclipse are really going to have to NOT knee jerk and leap before they look this time. If you do, you're going to hit a brick wall that isn't going to give--but you will. So, count to ten, settled down your hair trigger temper and THINK before you act. If you do, you'll pass the test and be able to handle this experience coming your way in a mature fashion. Otherwise, look for confrontation; even a violent one. And that's not where you want to go with this butt kicker of an eclipse. The choice, as always, is yours.
As to the last presidential debate taking place on (no accident....) the eclipse on October 13th, I believe that Bush is going to come undone. On the first debate, the transiting Moon was in Taurus, which sextiles his sun. One would think he'd do well, but he did awful. Then, on the second debate, the moon was in Leo, which conjuncted both his and Kerry's numerous planets and he looked better. Now, with the transiting FULL moon in Libra, square Bush's natal sun, he is most likely to blow it all. Well known for getting passionately emotional, you will see one of two things in this third debate with him: either he's going to be calmly detached like a good Cancer sun should be in its most healthy position, or, he's going to be triggered, blow up, and become disruptive and immature as he was in the first debate. We'll all be there to see it.
Still reeling from the solar eclipse of October 13th, Neptune's energy is being felt a month in advance of it turning direct. So, everyone is still coming out of the ethers, feeling muddled headed, confused and unsure of which direction to go or turn. You will feel as if you're driving on black ice: you can't see it but when your car spins out of control, you know you're driving on it! By then, it's too late. Neptune rules illusion, deception, lies, fraud, and the hiding of some thing. With it turning direct, you're going to see the liars and the defrauders revealed--finally. The Emperor has no clothes time, in a nut shell.
We're seeing this unveiling occurring already with the report that there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which is why Bush sez he went to war in the first place. Duh! Neptune has pulled off the veil of lies and deception Bush used to get us into this mess and in this report, it fully puts the glare of the spotlight of TRUTH on him.
As we get closer and closer to Neptune turning direct, we're going to see more and more skullduggery being exposed--at every possible level from a country's government down to the individual. Neptune, when it decides to tear off the rose colored glasses of lies, deceit and fraud, can really show the light of day and the truth when it wants too--and we're coming up into this time frame throughout all of October.
What is the truth within us? Have we been lying to ourselves? Most of us do. It's a very human thing to do--avoid some nasty shadow stuff we have--and pretend (Neptune's realm) that it isn't there. Lucky for all of us, Neptune is going to rip off this illusion and show us some Truth about ourselves, too. So, be tuned in and listening.
Yes, it's time that we see the truth no matter at what level it is shown to us. And, if we can stretch, grow and reach for the light, Truth and goodness that Neptune has, we'll be better off as individuals, as a country and in the world as a whole.
Think you know right from wrong? I'm here to tell you that right now, seven days before this full moon lunar eclipse blows up on us, you aren't going to know which way is up! With Neptune going direct between the two eclipse, and just before this one, confusion abounds as never before.
You are going to be able to see all sides to an argument or confrontation. This stalls any clear cut action on your part to make a decisive choice, doesn't it? And yet, that's where you'll be; sitting on this can of dynamite unsure which way to jump and knowing that no matter where you do jump, you're going to get hurt by it, anyway. At least, that's the emotional FEELING you're going to experience. And that's not necessarily true, either.
With this eclipse and Neptune breathing down its neck three days earlier, you can navigate this one IF you pay attention to your gut hunch and your intuition. This is one time when you have to throw logic and rational out the window and simply turn inward to get a true fix on the decisions you are being faced with and what is the correct choice for you.
The presidential election, at this point, is going to be a confusing throw up with the polls showing a dead heat; no one is sure of who is going to win. Not even the people who are going to vote are sure who they are going to vote for! And this is how we're going into this election on November 2nd. People are going to stand there with the ballot in front of them, hemming and hawing, unsure of which candidate to put the mark by. Finally, you're going to give up and just mark your choice from your gut. And that's as good as it gets for this election.
The election is going to be nebulous and chaotic at best. We may not know WHO is president for a week or two. Just like in 2000. Or, something really weird and off the wall could happen to the present president shortly before the election, and throw the entire election process into a high flying quandary of "What to do? What to do?" sort of energy.
With the eclipse taking place in Taurus (and Scorpio by opposition), this highlights second house energy. This is the house of one's morals, values and sense of right/wrong, the Ten Commandments, or anything else that you go by and believe in that help you know what is appropriate and what is not. This is also the "Greed is Good" house, too. So, are you voting your pocket book? Looked inside lately and seen a whole lot LESS money in it? Seen your health insurance costs rise faster than a roller coaster? Seen taxes eating a bigger whole in your budget than it did four years ago? "It's the economy, stupid," as Bill Clinton would say, that is going to be one of the litmus tests for voters and whom they vote for November 2nd. Money, taxes, finances, retirement nest egg, senior citizens social security, are the focus of this eclipse. And if Bush doesn't realize this, he's going to fail in winning a second term, because that's where American have their eye on the ball with this eclipse taking place in common sensed, earthy Taurus. If you don't have enough money to pay for your prescription, this gets people's undivided attention. Or, if you cannot afford the high premiums of health insurance, its sure to get people's ire up. And this full moon focuses on just that. Money--or the lack of it--and needing more, will raise its head and look directly at the Bush Doctrine and see that it is badly wanting.....
So, morals and values are the test of this eclipse and at full moon, we are all going to be tested on what we think is right or wrong. Again, a 'gut check' can help you get through this; so be listening to your inner voice to lead you through this dilemma and labyrinth.
Saturn is going to go retrograde on November 7th, five days after the presidential election. IF something occurs shortly before the election (and I believe there's a good possibility it will), then Saturn will be the manifestor of the final voice in the matter one way or another. Saturn is always about making the tough choices and decision and being held responsible and accountable for them. And, Saturn turning has a three-week shadow where it begins to affect all of us; so from October 17th onward, we are going to be feeling his grinding, heavy energy coming to roost on us as well. Get used to it. Adjust. Adapt.
Saturn is in late Cancer (with Capricorn being the opposite sign most effected by this retrograde) and emotional security is the ground zero for this movement in space. It has been in Cancer for a year now, so many people are gnawing their legs off with feeling emotionally insecure or unprotected or terribly vulnerable with nowhere to go and hide. The sense that you may not be loved all that much is going to rear its head now. Or you will question those who do love you and get needy; which is not the place you want to go. Others may feel bereft, isolated, abandoned or alone for some reason. This can apply to those that you love, your friends, acquaintances or business relationships.
At the same time, people are going to have a choice here--they can either become an emotional ball of yarn unraveling out of control OR, you can hitch up your boots, stand tall, remain detached (but not disconnected) emotionally from what is going on and be able, as a result, to make a clear-headed choice. That is the positive of Saturn in Cancer: the ability to stand back, see the players, know what is going down, and then make the correct decision for yourself based upon all the information. Emotional choices when you're stressed usually are not good ones. So, with Saturn turning retrograde, you need to be detached and put your emotions on the shelf to get the most out of this.
A few years ago, there was a big fad about 11:11 that came along. It came and went. But the "real" 11:11 event is about to unfold before our very eyes. You might say we have 50 yard seats on the line of Life. Isn't is an amazing 'coincidence' that on November 11th, at 11:11 AM PDT, that Uranus goes direct? Look at the 11's!!!! 11/month, 11/day, 11:11 /hour and minute.
I'll let you in on a little secret: something BIG is gonna happen because Uranus is the harbinger. And it doesn't do it politely. It doesn't do it conservatively. It doesn't do it quietly, either. Uranus is about the biggest explosion of lighting and earthquake combined in astrology. And here it is....on November 11th--9 days after the presidential election. Something is "up."
Numerologically, the number '11' is a 'master' number. If you add 1 + 1 = 2. Two is the number of emotions, of women, and of couples. With the 11 in there, this is the lightning bolt I was talking about; that sense of being left shaken and changed in its wake. When you have the number 2 which is the Moon and the 11 which is Uranus, then you get shocking emotional developments. Uranus is in Pisces; the sign of two fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisces is the penultimate sign of confusion and unsureness. The events of this 5-car cosmic pileup that's coming has left the best for last. Or the worst, depending upon your reality.
What doesn't give way, go under, transform or dissolve before, Uranus is going to ensure that there's nothing left to pick up after he gets done going direct. The whole day is about too much of something, with Jupiter in the mix, as well. With a trine between the transiting moon and Uranus, you are going to see runaway emotions. Something is going to become overwhelming within the three weeks leading up to Uranus going direct; for it has powerful, far reaching perturbations long before it actually turns on station.
With Uranus in Pisces, the house of emphasis becomes the 12th house of imprisonment, self-imprisonment (we all do this), health issues, hiding, retreating, contemplating on an inner level of ourselves, fears coming up and our hidden enemies. This can mean terrorists or the PTA. A group is a group. However, Uranus is also known as the planet of rebellion, the individualist, the person who can stand up and say, "There's a pink elephant in the room and I see it...." and not be afraid to voice what they know. Revolution is stirring big time from mid-October through November 11th as Uranus begins the actual mega earthquakes that are going to begin to shake apart old, conservative structures in our lives that we no longer need. Mt. St. Helens is mirroring symbolically what is to come. There's no accident she started with hundreds of mini-quakes in early October. Volcanoes, earthquakes, lightning are all ruled by Uranus. And you're going to see your fair share of them literally and symbolically occurring in this time frame.
The best way to work with Uranian energy is not fight it; rather, flow with it. Easier said than done, but if you're one of these people who never bend, but break, you will find it tough to do--but not impossible. Understand that if the carpet gets pulled out from beneath you--there's a reason for it. It's not just chaos for chaos sake. Nope. I find that people who have made the wrong choices to change for over a period of time, are most likely candidates for this up and coming process. You elected to refuse to change or make the tweaks in behavior that were being asked of you. So, Uranus is going to come along and make one big, chiropractic adjustment on you and your life. As always--the choice is yours and you can elect to do it either way. But with Uranus--there is no escaping him and he isn't pleasant or gentle about it. For those who are capable of bending and adapting, you'll be utilizing these skills throughout this time frame. If you get a lightning-like hunch--follow it. Uranus is about following your unexpected spurts of intuition.
There's another way to look at this five car cosmic train hurtling down at us right now. We can see each element as a part of a greater recipe known as Life. If we've been doing the hard work on ourselves, cleaning up our projections, owning our Shadow contents (hate, prejudice, victim, codependent behavior, ect., etc.,) then this recipe will bake you a cake that you will just love to sink your teeth into!
Those who have refused to change, refused to do the right thing on their path this lifetime, are going to get bread and water; and the bread isn't going to taste very good. This is not about being punished. We set ourselves up for what we need. Often, if something 'bad' happens to us, we look and wonder what we did wrong. This is a good thing. Frequently, when chaos enters our life, we are at the end of one chapter and need to close it up. And before we can open a new one, we must tidy up all the loose ends and do the right things for the right reasons in our life. I call this 5 car Cosmic train one big Life Adjustment for many people. We'll all be affected by it--some more personally, up front and close--and others, far more remotely. You'll hear about it from your friends and loved ones, rather than it occurring directly to you. Either way, we are in for adjustment and change on a huge scale personally and globally.
Saturn is about physically manifesting or grounding something into our third dimensional reality. Neptune is about light and truth. Uranus gives us that lightning-like breakthrough we need to discover the inner riches within ourselves. We can make the MOST of this in a positive sense by utilizing this next 5 week period. How? By meditating daily. By listening closely to our own, inner voice which is our best teacher, anyway. By taking time out of the build up of monumental stress, and taking a walk and appreciating the Fall beauty of Mother Earth's cloak that she now wears. To sit by a lake and simply listen to the lap of little wavelets as they come to shore. Look up at the night sky and see the thousands of stars across the Milk Way and be humble that you are part of such a grand, diverse plan.
Be generous with your time with others. If you have a charity, donate what you can to it. Lift someone else's spirit during this time of crisis and change. Become a Big Sister or Big Brother; a mentor for a younger person who can certainly use your experience and wisdom. Plant a tree for Mother Earth and acknowledge her greatness in our every day lives. Sit with your child and read to them from a book. Share an activity with your teen and try to put yourself in his or her place--remember when you were that age and how terribly vulnerable and unsure you felt.
Most of all, try to have patience during this time--and it's going to be the least available emotion in our arsenal, believe me. With the brackets of stress like two huge bookends and we're in the middle of it, its very hard to be calm and quiet. But, we're judged most when we're in the middle of a crisis; not when things are going well and it's real easy to be all these things. Be kind and patient with yourself because you are feeling the chaos and frequently, will do the wrong thing and not the right thing. Be kind and patient with others because they are floundering around just as badly, if not more so, than you are. Grace under pressure. That is what we need to try and become in this next five weeks. My money is on all of you to do just that. We'll survive this, be the wiser for it, apply what we've learned from this time of cosmic earthquake and adjustment, and become the wiser for it.