Hi Bterbit, I look at your pics and I can surely say it is FD. I had it for 14 years and it never reached your stage or anywhere near it. The first thing you have to do in order for you to bring this down to normal is calm your nerves. Try to find herbalist that sells St. Johns worth. When you do, you boil the whole tree with its shrubs and all with water like a tea. You wash it with your head and drink it like a tea for three weeks. This will calm your nerves and will take care of the pus. Trust me it worked for me and it worked for another man from Trinidad ho I met in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My barber told me about that man as he could not recall the name of the tree that man used to ride off his FD. He tole me that he brought the tree from his native Trinidad and you would not found it in Toronto. I went on the internet and started looking barbers in Trinidad and Tobago and I was not successful. Finally the barber found the man and he asked the name of the tree and gave me the name. I found it in the first herbalist that I checked nd it worked for me just fine.
Use it and let me know and I will tell you what you have to ask your derm to prescripe for you. We have been through a lot and we were told and tried with everything the is out there like G. PIG. Enough is enough we watch for each other. Be strong and calm dowm and check with us before you swallow any bill.