I am asking because I had such a negative reaction with the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with the DMSA....and apparently the Mag sulfate has sulphur in it...
Since it has been found that Sulphur and Miracle-Mineral-Supplement do not mix...I guess I should avoid it?
Please someone help me.
I really want to do a Liver Flush ...but I do not want it to react with the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ..
I will do the coke flush..
Why don't you just lay off the MMS 24 hours or so before starting the flush?
And in the AM drink 10 oz mag citrate...(but I cant get citrate here, so I have sulfate...) is it the same?
Magnesium Sulfate is the active ingredient in Epsom Salts , so it is similar. Since you don't know the proper dosing maybe you should do the Hulda Clark flush instead.