Johny Apple Bomb
I am asking because I had such a negative reaction with the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement with the DMSA....and apparently the Mag sulfate has sulphur in it...
Since it has been found that Sulphur and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement do not mix...I guess I should avoid it?
Please someone help me.
I really want to do a
Liver Flush ...but I do not want it to react with the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement ..
I will do the coke flush..
Why don't you just lay off the MMS 24 hours or so before starting the flush?
oz coke
oz olive oil
oz. lemon juice.
And in the AM drink 10
oz mag citrate...(but I cant get citrate here, so I have sulfate...) is it the same?
Magnesium Sulfate is the active ingredient in
Epsom Salts , so it is similar. Since you don't know the proper dosing maybe you should do the
Hulda Clark flush instead.