Re: Refrigeration NOT required...Re: Question for Uny; Storing Greens
Lol, I really DO understand about the cayenne. 2 squirts or more of the tincture? NO PROBLEMO! Working up from that 1/8 to a 1/4 teaspoon of the powder, the first time was tricky.
I was goofy-silly (kinda-sorta :). I started with an aaaaalmost an 1/8 of teaspoon, then two days later, a LEVEL 1/8 of a teaspoon, then a slight heap (but oh so slight)...until my "heaping 1/8" was actually more than a 1/4. After that "1/4 place" it's MUCH easier to keep adding IF you stay consistent. Miss a couple of doses, and you have to do it all over again (ack!).
On the other hand, I've had folks that emailed me, and said "
What's the big deal? An 1/8 of teaspoon is nothing! I'm at a teaspoon 3x daily in 2 days!"
You can DO it! And yer body'll love you for it :)
Heal ON!!!