Refrigeration NOT required...Re: Question for Uny; Storing Greens
'Sorry for the delay in response time....busy, busy, busy :)
There's no need to refrigerate the Superfood (unless of course, you're going to be storing it for a VERY long time before using it).
Most herbs 'unpowdered' in their natural state, if stored in an airtight container (in relatively cool/dark place)...are actually good for up to two years - some even longer (think black pepper, cinnamon and the like). Once powdered, I think about a year is the limit...but even then, they'd still have more benefit than 'nothing'.
The POW effect of cayenne :) You WILL acclimate to it *IF* you keep dosing steadily. At first, it does seem like a freight train, but pretty soon it'll be a wonderful 'circus caravan' full of fantastic surprises (and healing for your body & emotions). It's a HUGE anxiety/stress reliever :)
I always put mine in 'one gulps worth' of water, and follow with as much water as I want (sometimes more, sometimes less), or with a mix of Apple Cider Vinegar & honey (followed with water). Rocky53 mixes his with apple cider or juice, and follows with 'more of the same'. The best way to 'douse the fire' is milk...but I fear that may somehow "de-activate" something in the cayenne - and since milk is not on 'the program', I don't recommend it.
'Glad to hear your body is lovin' the Superfood - sometimes it's still amazing to me how "food" can be SO powerful and healing :)
Btw, I love your avatar/picture!
Blessings aplenty --