Re: transit for singing? will all pretty much happen if it is truly what you desire, put your energy into it, be open to opportunities and jump on them when they appear.
Do you always use the extended chart selection with "natal chart and transits"? That's what I ALWAYS get used to seeing the green planets going anit-clockwise around the begins to make more sense when you can see it like that. see Pluto at the top of your chart on your Neptune eh?? HA! Pretty major...I'm sure I talked about that when we first met! How your Life Objective/Career was TRANSFORMING! Totally changing from what you thought it would be to what it really is going to be! wooo. super cool.
Anyway, I forgot you had that Grand Trine connecting your Neptune (music, inspiration) with Venus/Mercury (lovely voice) with Saturn (hard-work and discipline!) Man...that reeeally says to me that you've got what it takes, Gracey! Without Saturn there, anchoring that neptunian may have just fizzled in dream-like fantasy that is cool.
Whenever you see transits to THAT Grand Square that should be very significant for your musical career. Your Grand Trine is in Fire signs (yang energy which is good, too) any time planets move into fire or air signs it's a good thing for your Grand Trine - in September Jupiter moves into Libra for one year! yeeeeehaw! That is very expansive and good-luck positive for you, Gracey, as it aspects all those planets nicely...from your Relationship and one-on-one 'contract' house.....see Jupiter there in the 7th house? Quite possibly you'll meet someone that influences your music in an amazing way! Growth-oriented relationship...
Anyway...when you get your Robert Hand book, the first thing I'd do is print out your chart with transits and check out what you're learning right now...just by seeing what houses the transiting planets are transiting right now. The outer ones are super important...but the inner ones are totally noticeable too because they happen faster.
Like: Pluto in the 10th. Jupiter in the 7th. Neptune in the 12th - and read what he has to say.
That'll be fun!
love Tracey