Re: Excellent that you base this on God or Allah, hopefully Allah
Hi Sara,
Sorry I took so long to reply! On Monday, I went to my neurologist to discuss the results of my head MRI and my EEG and although I already knew my MRI was clear, I did get to learn that I have epilepsy. They want me to start treatment right away, but I am still doing some research, and waiting until my fast is over. Turns out there was a reason for a lot of the symptoms I've been experiencing after all. Oh well, I'm still super glad that I am fasting. I think it is definitely helping me to heal.
But oh wow! Well first of all, I hope you're okay/recovering! Secondly, I'm glad that you're fasting for those reasons, because it's nice to be able to talk to others with the same goal--or at least similar ones. Dangerously low blood pressures must be so scary, so I'm glad you are buying/have bought a monitor. Luckily there is a monitor in the pharmacy up the street, so I often check mine there, or at the doctor's. The one at the pharmacy also checks my pulse rate, which is always in the 100-115. Very unhealthy, but I imagine that will start to normalize on this fast. One thing I plan to do (after my fasts are complete) is to slowly build up my cardiovascular health, so that I can lower my resting pulse rate and protect my heart while I'm still young. It really scares me to know what path I was going down, and truth be told, I always pushed the facts aside. I didn't want to face the reality of how badly I was treating myself and my body. I believe I was truly given a second chance, and hey, I'll take it, and I'll do right by it. :-)
And as to your comment about religion, I most wholeheartedly agree. To quote The Beatles, "All you need is love". That's how I like to view it.
Blessings to you too,