Tracy Tracy Tracy....I just LOVE you! I wish I could just move you in with me!! If I were rich....I'd invite you to come live in my manchion! LOL Then hopefully you can keep me up to date with what is happening in my life...good or least I can prepare! LOL
Well...I surely hope your right...but even if your sure was fun, uplifting, and inspiring to read. Made me feel better. I am experiencing HIGH anxiety with the up coming surgery so I really hope I make it through ok. I have to be awake for the surgery cuz I am allergic to anesthesia so this will really be quite the challenge. My hubby will be in with me helping to keep me calm...if that is possible.
i will definately keep you posted and let you know how the surgery goes. I'm scheduled for 9:45 am on Monday.
Thank you so very much for all your support, and love. It really really means a lot to me.
I hope that good fortune comes to me soon and lasts for a while. Usually when something good happens to is followed by a TON of bad things. So I'm a bit scared. But we'll see. :)