Hi Keason!
So...this is interesting - when you said that your ex-girlfriend was your Father only in a different package I thought: okay, where's Keason's Saturn? (Authority/Father figure) Because I thought that perhaps your ex's Sun would be in your Saturn's sign...And it is!
Your Saturn is in Aries and your ex is an Aries!
So...if you take a look at your chart you'll see your Sun in opposition to your Saturn. (both the Sun and Saturn are representative of father energy) This can mean that in relationship (oppositions represent how you are in relationships) you look for an 'other' that has this same sort of 'authority' as your Father....but, really, it is the 'authority' within yourself.
So, along comes your ex with an Aries Sun and her Sun sits opposite your Sun and conjunct your Saturn...you know her well and your father...so you know what this energy feels like. You're right that it's karmic (saturn represents past life karmic stuff, current life lessons...and your saturn in the 12th house is showing that you have some 'unfinished' business left over from a past life that you need to deal with in this one...) - because this is taking place in the sign of Aries - it would suggest that you and your ex were possibly Warriors together! Because your ex has Pluto opposing her Sun and your Saturn it would suggest that it was SHE that had the Power (powerful warrior of some sort) - but it was YOU that had the Authority (restrictive energy) - and that it is this clash of your two powers that needed to be worked out in this lifetime. Were or are you able to turn this selfish-war-independent-action-oriented energy into Harmony? Harmonious sharing, relating, beauty-oriented energy? Perhaps that is what is going to happen now? hmmmmmm...
It's interesting, too, that both of your North Nodes (where your soul wants to go in this lifetime) are next to the other's Sun!!! Trippy! So, truly, you were meant to meet in this lifetime for sure - and most likely you will have future-lives together, too. It's not over! It feels like the two of your souls are good friends intent on learning some challenging and rewarding lessons together...through many lives past, present and future...
Your composite charts together mirror the Saturnian karmic stuff too - as, together, the two of you are Capricorn! (Capricorn Sun conjunct North Node)...so, again, that shows that the two of you were serious about learning life lessons together...and into future lives as well! It's not a light, fluffy learning - it's pretty serious...but that resonates with both of you...
If you check out your composite chart...your composite Saturn is DIRECTLY opposite your composite Mars! (mars=aries and saturn=past life lessons and challenges) So, again, the composite chart mirrors what your charts say singly and in synastry. Your energies are battling one another...in order to learn something you need to learn in this lifetime.
Your ex certainly fits the bill of someone that you were meant to meet for some serious learning...but she's not your Ideal. I don't know what time she was born so maybe she DOES have a lot of planets in the 9th house...but with your Venus in Sagittarius (I have that too!) you really value and like people that are philosophical, idealistic, have big ideas, are adventurous consciously OR in the real world, are into growth and expanding their consciousness, like to travel to foreign lands (foreign lands of the mind or other real physical countries)...and she doesn't SEEM to have much of that. (unless as I said the time she was born makes a lot of her planets fall into the 9th house -Jupiterian/Sagittarian house)
Also...you need someone who has a healthy Venus - your ex, although she springs from a spot of Love (she has Venus next to her Sun)....there's power mixed in with that...even though she could turn that into the Power of Love...)
So..that's all for now...I hope some of that resonated!
love Tracey