stereotypes are generalities that most nod in agreement with.
i have frinds exactly like you, b&g, that rest their arguement on exceptions to the rule. i rarely if ever mention the exception to the rule because it's obvious. why state the obvious? if i'm out on the playground of life and i'm choosing guys for my team...there's a black guy, a white guy, a muslim guy, an athiest, a jewish guy, and a mexican guy...who do most choose? point being...stereotypes and generalities are alive and well in the world because they represent truth.
in college, i used this icebreaker to rule the classroom and it worked with everybody: the stereotype that black guys had the biggest penis's in the room...anybody have a problem with that one? i'd get the room howling with laughter, guys and gals, you can imagine the comments. i don't have living, breathing proof that black guys have the biggest packages out of the race of folks around me...but everybody agrees! even the white guys agree, who could argue even though most haven't personally witnessed the result firsthand. a successful stereotype. but then, i immediately state: blacks have wide nostrils and kinky hair. well now, all the air has been let out of the room. half of the people in the room are now hesitant to comment on what they clearly can see with their own eyes! another true statement of fact...but in some people's minds...a negative. conclusion: if stereotypes did not have a foundation of truth to them, they would have a short lifespan and disappear forever.