it's one that many sink into with fail, so don't feel alone. every race or religion of people do not think and act as another. that is kool-aid drinking rubbish that you now believe and i will never change your mind. i do this for the fans. can you state with honest opinion that japanese businessmen are lieing sonsabitches? i can't state that. doesn't work. but, i thought you could insert race or religion in place of arab or pakistani and it would work, b&g? if i were to say that whites were the best athletes on the planet...then insert "mexicans". mexicans are the best athletes on the planet. what a silly, worthless statement that would be. but i insert "blacks" and the stereotype or statement gets rave reviews...blacks are the best athletes in the world. i get total agreement across the board. a positive stereotype is fine with you, a negative is not. you lose credibility when you chose one over the other. you and your pc crowd want everyone to be the same...when we clearly are not.