--Who is the accuser?--
Hi presterjohn64,
Your comment: "When Hveragerthi crossed the line and started --accusing-- the Fine Folks who have found Healing with these Freely shared Truths on this forum and called their Success Testimonials Fake and implied that they were Liars, I do not care How many folks he seems to be helping, I have no problem exposing him as the Fraud as he seems to be !" ML
That would make absolutely zero sense for all of us to be posting "fake" testimonials unless he thinks it was you posting under different names. Why should any of us feel offended in that case, because to him we wouldn't exist? Or what if he is calling us liars? Why don't we just ask him if that's what he meant if there was some sort of minor communication problem that he was banned for? Surely he did not call us liars. Surely he would get the opportunity to tell us whether he was using a figure of speech before getting banned? Let's not twist things around. He's clearly an intelligent person and he was indicating that "anyone", especially the forum owner could make up fake testimonials. It's not unusual for intelligent people to use figurative speech "anyone can do...such and such" is a figure of speech. This implication that he is negatively accusing all of us is a rallying cry that is clearly working... why else would some feel it necessary to hit the agree button to "support their cause" when I'm not not even arguing for anything?
If people were really interested in THE TRUTH then they would steer clear of making personal attacks, or even any reference at all to the person they are debating with, their character, their background, and speak only of the theories being debated. What I've seen across the board is a preoccupation with BEING RIGHT. The love of THE TRUTH gets thrown out the window when it gets personal. If anyone here is truly interested in the TRUTH and debating it, they can do so in a manner that sets them above primates by using logic instead of emotionalism and/or diverting attention away from the argument by criticizing THE PERSON. If there's any question remaining of how its done, we simply watch a high school debate competition.
Answer: If you had followed his Many accusations against refreshed, Grzbear, #20928, JustinL, #108005, Ruffneck, WIEL, and others, then you may better understand?
But, it seems you may not be aware of these problems?
Satan is the accuser and anyone who spends most of their time accusing others would seem to be doing Satan's work for him, would it not seem?
Debating an idea is a different story, but he has choosen to accuse these folks and resort to name calling!
Cause and effect !
Smile Tis your choice.