My "Aggressive" kidney cleanse recipe that's working great!
Well, with my kidney pressure point on my foot hurting, I decided to employ a bit of something from all the different holostic methods... And it's working great! A lot less foot pain today, and VERY VERY cloudy pee, (a bit hot out of the tubes, can feel a bit of chrystalization in the urine! Ouch! but not too bad. Can feel a few small lumps..)
What I'm doing:
Eating Cranberrys. It seems this is a serious kidney and bladder stone breaker.
Drinking cranberry juice.. LOTS OF IT. For the same reason as above.
Eating Pumpkin seeds. This seems to be the traditional method chinese herbalist have used for over a thousand years.
Watermelon juice. Slice it up, drop into the blender (seed and all, don't buy seedless!!) And slide as much of the white part as you can (helps digestion a lot)
This after two days, has resulted in very very cloudy and chrystline filled pee, and very smelly pee at that. Foot feels quite a bit better..
And 99.9% of the population should be able to get the above stuff at the local grocery store, and nothing very strange that you would question about eating..
Give it a try, and post your results! Working well (but slowly, which is fine.. I cannot believe how much crystals I have in my kidneys!!)
After this is done.. Next up, LIVER CLEANSE!!!!