Have you checked out Astrodienst's *Astrocartography* program? It's free. Just click on the link below and go to *Astro Travel* under Free Horoscopes. It will give you the information that you seek.
Although I'm not an expert on relocation....but the North and South Nodes if they are on the strong manifesting Axis points (which they are in the cities/countries you noted) will show past life influences! Perhaps you used to live in those countries - and you feel a pull towards them?
I don't know if your South Node or your North Node is more active - or if it's the Ascendant/Descendant or IC/MC axis that is activated - or I could probably give you more info! (like whether it's 'comfortable'...perhaps too comfortable...or if you're leaping towards where your Soul wants to go (NorthNode) in this lifetime...