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Re: Ok, I get it now, 15 drops IS too much!
jfh Views: 14,344
Published: 16 y
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Re: Ok, I get it now, 15 drops IS too much!

"Was it either the Kolorex or else the Diflucan that accomplished the job the most for you (or was it really both items that had value for you)? Do you think that the Kolorex by itself (ie, without the Diflucan) has real value for treating Candida, and that the Kolorex may be a good addition/complement to add to my Miracle-Mineral-Supplement anti-Candida protocol?"

It was the Diflucan that had the most benefit (after 3 days of the 7).

I continue to use Kolorex. Yes, real value to my health. I get it cheaply at
I keep Kolorex in my rotation of anti-fungals; but use it more that the others. It seems to control the minor relapses better than others for me (grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, garlic, etc.) Here is excellent info on Kolorex, horopito.

MMS was definitely the breakthrough to my lifelong heath problems related to fungus. It just could not keep up with it; or else I was not willing to go further. I felt that 9 months was plenty of time to give Miracle-Mineral-Supplement a chance. I was already feeling better from the symptoms; but would relapse too frequently. Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is always a good start on things like this. MMS will improve the immune system; so that it can do the real work.

I also took Diflucan a more than a year ago; before I even heard of MMS. I was even taking Lugol's Iodine at the time. The I took Diflucan again, just 7 capsules, just before I stopped MMS as a daily practice. It really cleared my sinuses amazingly. I've had sinus problems since the early 60s. No more. At least not as badly. I still have some bad days. It seems windy every day in the Texas hill country. Pollen counts are high. At least that is my excuse.

I still have recurring problems with constipation. Not frequent. I suspect it is due to my love for cheese. I did not do a Candida diet as prescribed. I definitely stopped sugar. Still do. I can drink red wine now without problems as before (yes I know, sugar). I continued whole grain products. No milk; but yes cheese. So you can see that I did not respect the Candida diet. My ND was not even sure that it was Candida; just an overgrowth of fungus.

I can now eat eggs. Prior to this protocol, my body had a reaction to egg whites.

So many benefits. You'll see.



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