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Trysten3000 Views: 3,523
Published: 16 y
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Sorry it took me so long to reply and thank you all for your replies! I didn't get back to you because I was making the long trek back from Thailand to Los Angeles and then staying with family in Socal for a night and then I came back here to Central Cal yesterday. So yeah, Ive just been de-compressing a bit.

My mom was waiting at the airport and I had her bring my humaworm with her. So I took my first dose that afternoon.

It's helping! I am still having bathroom issues but the dihareea has stopped and the pain and cramping still comes in waves but it was less intense and less frequent today than it was yesterday. I was even able to go out to eat without worrying about the bathroom.

And to answer your question, no it wasn't gluten. I definitely did get glutened a few times while on my travels but I know all too well the glutening symptoms by now and they are nowhere near so bad. Basically if I get glutened its always the same, bad stomach stabbing gas sorta pains, constipation (it always blocks me up, not the opposite) and then I get the cysts all over my skin. A severe glutening (like if I ate a loaf of bread or something) can send my system into some sort of shock and shut down my thyroid but Id have to eat a lot of it to do that.

SO yeah.. I suspect some sort of dysentary. But I think humaworm is already attacking the pinworms I had too! No more itchies. :) I love humaworm, can't wait to get more of it in me!


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