Hi, Trysten,
I'm so sorry you've encountered this...no fun at all.
I had something similar for, say, an hour or less, when I was 10.
I was alone at the time, and quite frightened.
Luckily, it passed rapidly, upon using the toilet...but the memory is vivid six decades later.
I doubt you'll ever know exactly what 'caused' this...although your instincts may 'recognize' anything similar in the future, and help you avoid it...which is only my guess, of course.
You may get some comfort from this film...
The method works, I'm sure, even at a distance, but even just watching the video has helped me many times.
I have just let the ideas wash over me, sometimes even falling asleep. I've watched it many times...maybe thirty.
It is better not to stress over all the possibilities the film suggests, I think. In time, ideas may come to you, when you are ready.
I think a round of Humaworm may be your best bet...and I don't think it could ever be totally wasted.
...Less effective, perhaps, if you didn't get the timing right with your food...at least one half hour before a meal, or two hours after.
...Or if you were taking specific probiotics at the same time, the probiotics may not seem to help.
Overall, in my six rounds of Humaworm, I imagine that the probiotics in my food (veggies especially) seem to be plentiful and unaffected.
The 'effects' of Humaworm have always been gentle, yet powerful for me.
Any surprises have always been from toxins and parasites already within...and the 'surprises' don't last long in any case.
I find I can tell if any 'reaction' is 'too much' and I can slow down or even stop the Humaworm for a short while...rebuilding the dosage to the regular amount, over a few days, and just finishing the round as long as the capsules last.
For sure, Humaworm capsules are NOT 'pills' as we have come to know pills.
I feel they are a rhythm, as natural as carrots and peas are food.
Yes, one worries what a round of Humaworm might 'do' to us...and, yes, if we are slow in our metabolism, dead critters and toxins may not leave our bodies as quickly as is best for us.
A sudden 'dump' of toxic things into our bloodstreams, without the accompanying eliminations necessary, can make us feel tired, etc., but real 'sickness' is rare.
...And, as I say, one can just cut back on the dosage for a few days...or, improve the diet, eliminating obvious overloads...for as long as you wish.
You might be in the best position to take a liver flush before Humaworm, I don't know.
It also might be unnecessary or a bit strenuous due to this bout of illness.
It may also be better to wait for at least a week AFTER the Humaworm round.
I believe R.G. has created a Liver Flush herbal formula, and I would trust that most of all, for I have never found any Humaworm product to be 'harsh'. Also, Humaworm products always seem to overlap in helping the whole system.
Are there traditional spices and herbs in the food where you are? Could they be having any effect on you?
One hint I noticed in 'the castor oil cleanse' was to take a glass of buttermilk after one has had, say, four BM's after the castor oil flush.
The one time I tried this I didn't seem to need the buttermilk...but then I have always been constipated, until recently when I have been taking HumaCleanse regularly.
When the HumaCleanse ran out, after I had begun my sixth round of Humaworm, I felt kind of glad, because other 'symptoms' had become aggravated, taking both.
I'm also working with a congested liver/gallbladder, and more, so it will take me some more experimenting to know what is affecting which.
I just play it by ear, testing.
That's one of the best things about the Humaworm products, we can adjust them, if that seems wise.
I very much like Zoebess' suggesting grapefruit seed extract...makes me feel like trying it myself.
However, a long time ago on CureZone, someone suggested that the smaller bottles had 'additives' which could affect its usefulness to us.
Also that the smaller and larger bottles were different in their concentrations and had to be dosed differently. Was it 3% and 32%?
That could mean that the dilutions must be different for each size of bottle.
Surely the correct dilutions of each are written somewhere on CureZone.
I think you are perfectly right in thinking of eating lighter.
Certainly you'd know if you need more food than you have eaten...with the possibility of feeling much better for eating lightly.
Perhaps you can spread your food into smaller 'snacks' throughout the day.
Also, there may be someone who can tell you what the locals eat when they have your upset.
Your reactions to foods sound very much like a moderated diet may help.
My mom said that, in the Phillipines, she asked for brown rice...and was told that the brown rice was for the poor people. Tourists and visitors were always served white rice!
Anything like that going on where you are?
I hope there is some help for you in this post, Trysten.
...And even that your marvelous immune system kicks in and overcomes this chop-chop!
My best,