Re: Planet Sedna - Letting go & The Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation
"So perhaps letting go is a very valuable thing in understanding our feminine energy."
YES....that is how I'm feeling too!
I read your post over on the C Forum and I was struck by the fact that the only other person I've ever known to burn their old diaries and letters was my friend who is a Red Serpent! ha. You are reeeally doing some clearing out!
And, you know fire is a symbol of Transformation...and you've got Pluto transforming your Sun pod right now...and fire sure is a large part of Red Serpent and that passionate energy!
Funny, my friend Astrid (Sagitarrius - you know I have this strange A and T thing with my friends! Soooo many of us have names that begin with A or T! out there!?) is a Sagittarius and she has just begun her big transformation and she has dreamt 3 times already that her whole house burned down (Self) and that she felt fine about it...just let it burn. Wow.
Yes..I think it's quite apt that we chose to 'discover' Sedna right now!
Talk soon!
love T