I have just had my Mirena taken out today. I have had it for a few months, and gradually found myself getting more symptoms of Depression and anxiety that I didn't realize until yesterday could be related to the IUD. I didn't want to think so, because it is the last birth control I have tried to use and now must go back to condoms again unless I want tubal ligation. My anxiety, heart palpitations, depressive thoughts, shortness of breath, all seem to be possible results of having the IUD based on reading the experience of others. I do see some similarity to the effects of other hormones and of my symptoms during pregnancy with my daughter, so it makes me think this could be it. I will hopefully know soon if this is resolved by the removal. I have had sleeplessness, moodiness, irritability, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, fatigue, and anxiety to name what I can think of.