A couple of questions: about this "I used Epsom Salt in every coffee enema, and the typical 3-4 tablespoons of Epsom Salt with the flushes. At the end of the 4th week I was dealing my 2nd round of extreme adrenal distress (likely due to the ES being so hard on the kidneys, hence adrenal glands)."
I didn't realize ES would place so much stress on the kidneys/adrenals. For those whose adrenals are really weakened would you suggest avoiding the Liver Flush until the adrenals are a little more stable?
and this "Cured Peripheral Artery Disease; increased his circulation & heart strength immensely ('still has a bit of a way to go, as being a smoker since he was a teen, there's a lot to restore there); knocked out Adult ADD; he is working on a carotid artery blockage"
Is it safe to assume a great deal of the heart & circulation improvement is related to the amount of cayenne you both take daily?