Re: Newport- Trypanosoma Brucei
Although Samento is made from Cat's Claw it has been detoxed and concentrated to a point where only one alkaloid is left.
In short that pound of Cat's Claw would be about as effective as 20 drops of Samento but would still contain the TOA toxin.
Some of the beneficial properties of Samento are attributed to the pentacyclic oxindole
alkaloids (POAs) that are found in the plant that act on the cellular immune system and
demonstrate powerful immune system modulating properties. Samento does not contain the
tetracyclic oxindole alkaloids (TOAs) that are found in traditional Cat’s Claw. TOAs disrupt
central nervous system function and greatly inhibit the effects of the POAs.
Some researchers believe that Samento may be as much as 1,000 times more effective than
Cat’s Claw. One difference between Samento and Cat’s Claw is that Cat’s Claw is an immune
system stimulant and Samento is an immune system modulator. Also, Samento can be used to
treat all autoimmune disorders.