Re: Newport- Trypanosoma Brucei
From Klinghardt, looks like they modify it with frequency or energy patterns:
Lyme disease: A Look Beyond
Antibiotics :
1. BioPure PC Samento
(pentacyclic TOA-reduced energetically modified, ethically wild-crafted
Amazon Cat’s Claw):
In my work this product has shown the most consistent action against
Borrelia, Bartonella, Ehrlichiosis, Rickettsia, mycoplasma and other coinfefctions.
Herxheimer reactions are expected and may occur at any stage
of the treatment (on the first day of use or after many months) and
repeatedly. During the “Herxes”I recommend colon hydrotherapy, KMT
lymphatic drainage, raw food diet, moderate exercise, drinking more water
then usual, a massage and a nurturing environment.
Dosage: start with 4 drops twice daily (or 8 dr/day). Wait one week before
increasing. If condition worsens, reduce dose. Sometimes patients initially
tolerate only 1 drop/day (rare). Final dose: 2 dropperful/day
Contraindication: organ transplant immunotherapy. Don’t use if trying to
become pregnant. May interfere with blood thinning treatment