Here is Schulze's recipe for ptassium both:
Fill a LARGE pot with 25% Potato peelings, 25% Carrot peelings and WHOLE chopped Beets, 25% chopped Onions, including 50 cloves of Garlic, 25% Celery and DARK Greens.
What things make it high in potassium??? I have been trying to steer clear of that due to my adrenal issues. I do have a recipe for Beiler's broth:
Beilers Broth recipe- Start with zucchini, mushrooms, green beans, broccoli, spinach and kale (any other vegetable of choice can be added). Chop and boil for 20-30 min then blend contents in a blender. Season with garlic, ginger, fresh herbs, sea salt and pepper.