Excellent news! GOOD FOR YOU!!! Re: ABSOLUTELY!! Re: Help me change my wife's mind about my daughter's diet
GREAT NEWS! That's the right attitude, for sure!
And you're right, there's really no way to know if it's just "a kid being a kid" or her diet. There's no harm possible in changing her diet...but the guilt & frustration she is feeling (and the 'discipline' & disapproval she receives) can cause a LOT of harm to her precious spirit and self-esteem.
And there's a GOOD chance, her 'acting out' is not even her fault!
Check out this study they did on juvenile delinquents, junk food & fish oil:
Omega-3, junk food and the link between violence and what we eat
How many of these children would be where they are, facing the life they're facing...if their parents would have taken enough responsibility to simply feed them adequately? :::sigh:::
Stand firm! You're doing the right thing...and if you need encouragement and reinforcement - you know where to find us!
You've brought a HUGE 'heart smile' to my spirit! It's wonderful to see a parent with a strong 'heart of caring' that's willing to do what's right for their child - especially when they have to struggle with the other parent or family member. You're setting an example that's great for the hundreds of people that will ultimately read this...and you're making a HUGE difference in the life of your darling daughter!
Did I mention? GOOD FOR YOU!!!